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Everything posted by predator

  1. lol - i was considering cyrice offer a while back. I should'a taken it up.. i'm sick of driving 150km each day down here
  2. ba.. chris knows.. he's on the other computer what i can do is log in as me in two different computers.. now that could be scary
  3. magic
  4. magic
  5. careful of parking the liner around there later at night, as its a dodgy area, but parking is fairly available. i remember a few memorable shows there back in the day
  6. i can find out who didn't erm, steer correctly last night ...
  7. charly.. yeah i found it amusing "how not to beat your wife" in a little guide.. where u chumps going for coffee? tonight? i could come abuse you i'm doing nothing
  8. parents.. its the parents.. They will have no problems with a "friend".. but if they know they're a "boyfriend" it will be totally different... maybe that is it?
  9. lol - least u boys are young.. i'm jaded, old, and single.. haha
  10. parents mate.. parents.. problems i see ahead of you
  11. women do ruin your life.. but they can also make it fun.. sigh.. women are evil
  12. parents.. ahhh .. haha.. the ultimate woman = a woman with no parents
  13. maybe he likes to listen to music in high quality.. as the motor is screaming its head off on the track going 250km/hr ??
  14. hey.. this looks like my next car...
  15. was it? what about "once upon a time in mexico" ?? heard that is meant to be ok.. will probably watch a vid tonight myself..
  16. how about Hans ? as in "Hans Solo" and "Luke Skywalker"
  17. "lets hope shes just sick with food poisoning".. good to see you have her own best well beeing in mind there ..hahaha
  18. hahaha.. don't worry, i'm sure by the time LukeJr gets an R34 it will be a "classic" status at over 25 years old..
  19. Luke Junior could be on his way??
  20. :rofl:"
  21. yeah, what did happen to your car Charly boy?
  22. I drive a crap load faster and handle hel'va lot better than any stock S2 at similar prices, so buy me
  23. it would be the same in VIC i'd imagine though, unless it effects them people don't care. People would rather watch "reality" TV and pretend people for hours on end, and yet stopping to help somebody or actually deal with something that they can't handle is too much for some Sucks but that is society.
  24. what the? i've always dreaded having to witness or be the first at the scene at an accident. I know you have to stop.. but what you see my haunt you for your whole life. hope you're ok man.. family stuff can be tough.
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