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Everything posted by predator

  1. haha.. now you know what i have felt for hmm, 2 months now i'm gonna book it in too in next day or so if the wait is that long.. i'm sick of it sitting at home doing nothing. Not really why I bought it.
  2. $5K will never buy respect brotha. anyhow.. all be nice children! Just some nice rims and a good bodykit for now should make it look good. Maybe spend a grand or two on the stereo and make it sound good. Good exhaust system. Don't worry about the performance items until you have actually driven the car regularly.
  3. cyazzzzz
  4. lol.. who is his homo-special friend?
  5. nah.,. i was not of the priveleged few to receive that PM.. it was probably matt playing funny buggers anyhow.. in fact i'm positive it was matt playing funny buggers!
  6. cents on front wheel
  7. sense on back door
  8. monkey on front
  9. money on back
  10. :monkey:
  11. it sure was..
  12. that was shit sigh
  13. i am going to enter D5.. D1 is for amateurs
  14. 3 days of work left for me
  15. yo chaos.. i'm mega bored
  16. lol.. this is all coming from somebody who reckons one of the reasons he wants to sell the r33 is that they are "too common".. and yet you would drive past 50 or 60 bmw's or mercs in one day and not even notice it because they are so common and bland as a slightly richer man's commodore. as long as you think you are rich denham, thats the main thing do you have insurance quotes yet? the skyline may be exxy, but the european commodore are not that rosey either. Fuel consumption probably up there too...
  17. can we please have a picture of your car to prove you are not b.s'ing and why we should spend some time making some recommendations?
  18. good guess :goldstar: Back on topic a little... I was also going to say, generally the service station owners and franchisees get shit all, at most a few cents a litre from the actual consumer that goes into their pocket. This is what killed most independent operators. Notice also how most service stations these days are "snack stops" with all manner of other stuff in there, and basically trying to "value add" onto the basic process of selling petrol?? Ever noticed how at many service stations (won't go into particular names) they basically try and push stuff onto you when you go in there these days?? "Sure you don't want 2 for 1 chocolate bars?" Me thinking: no i ****ing well don't, if i did i would have damn well asked for them! (i hate this with a passion). My thoughts are as the profit margins for the stations themselves are getting smaller, the only way to make this up is through the "value adding" of high profit items such as chocolate bars, drinks, etc?? to every joe blow that walks in there to buy petrol.
  19. Oil production is controlled by a very small number of powerful Middle Eastern Countries and a limited number of very powerful players sit on OPEC. They basically decide, at their bequest (and strength of whining of the americans and West in general at that particular point, and what the americans can do for them) how many millions of barrels of oil are released onto the market. If the supply is reduced (just to punish the americans, or play mouse with the world economy through flow through countless effects) the price of oil goes up. This in turn the petrol companies (Shell, BP, etc) decide how much petrol they are going to sell, based on their current reserves, or how much they are going to charge to the market. This is released to all the local service stations around the country, with various alterations for local area, allowance for government exises, etc. The petrol stations, say "Station X" will buy xxx Litres, and set a price, a cent or two profit above this to go to running their store and paying the staff. A few hours pass while Station X happily sells their petrol and draws customers. Station Y over the road seeing all these customers go elsewhere will go "ok, i'll drop my price 2c/L over these guys at Station X to get a few more customers". Station Y makes the same price at -2c/L due to increased volume and customers through the store. Station X then realises "hey we're losing too many customers, i'll go match Y and maybe drop it by 1c". Everybody goes back to stationX. This process ping pongs around through the day, and week, until it gets to a point where Station X and Station Y probably get to at a point that "hmm, this is silly, we're at break even point.. and if we sell too much more L that we bought at $xx we'll actually make a loss". Station Y say jacks its price up. StationX goes "hmm, well we might hold the lower price for a bit to suck the juice dry (lowest point of week), but hey, lets jack up prices up too as why lose that money when consumers are paying a massive x c/L over at Station Y?". And hence the cycle continues, day after day, week after week, until one day the world runs out of oil, and somebody goes "oh shit". My explanation is probably another gross simplification, but that is the basic gist as I see it. What is other people's take??
  20. if only it went as hard as it looked i'm a true ricer! damn.. i guess if i wanted something really fast i'd get a GTR.. rice + gts-t = good enough for me at the moment
  21. just b4 i go.. i already showed this off too many times i think.. but hell i'll do it again!
  22. can't say that without meeting her! last g/f i had was hot as.. and look at me it's all how you move your body mocka shaka
  23. i also need food.. supermarket .. must go .. now
  24. 539's huh.. how many quid that set one back? i need new tyres
  25. thanx.. wasn't sure whether i'd like them at first.. now can't imagine it without them.. hmm
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