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Everything posted by predator

  1. yer.. me too.. but i'm at work
  2. ****ing server disappear message agg..
  3. probably just the camry.. magnas are so erk.. actually just walk
  4. hey rob.. whats up?
  5. hey ho's
  6. its possible the springs are shagged.. but maybe just too low. even one or two cm can make a big difference to being able to scrape on everything, or getting over most stuff. mine was really below legal height a while back and sucked.. best thing that happened was i got defected so had to raise it to legal height. Been a lot better since, but even then this has resulted in incidents
  7. he's in New Zealand..
  8. u been pissed off with car for weeks now james.. i've decided that the only purpose of owning a car is to shit you up the wall .. in one way or another it will get you. yeah.. you tell the n00b ben! removed by moderator
  9. predator


    Maybe she is just a little in shock that "her little guy" is growing up. Sometimes parents are weird like that. They don't really realise it until its like happening, when really it happened ages ago. Try and stay on good terms no matter what happens, as you don't want to burn bridges. It should sort itself out if you don't do anything too crazy.
  10. predator


    lol.. my mum used to swear at me all the time so i swore back at her.. fair is fair. meh.. cultural weirdness. If its not drinking it will be something else later on.. move out, get the freedom, and you won't be able to go back. You'll be a better man at 25 than people that stayed out home. Sure you'll be a poorer man, but you'll be a richer man in other ways..
  11. unfortunately, this is true they also have an inherant dislike for young guys with better and faster cars than themselves
  12. er... ok!
  13. beer is yeast.. may cause infection.. stick to vodka you sook!
  14. beamers don't go 0 -100 in 4.x seconds what a boring day
  15. move out of melbourne...
  16. great.. so now everybody has to put up with all the crap that you type
  17. when are you placing the order? and need confirmation by? do these prices include shipping?
  18. 13_devil is right.. as the demand builds the compliance costs will drop accordingly. At the moment i think its the lack of available plates that is making it difficult to be a natural market. Also, with the new scheme, don't see how the demand is every going to rise on less popular vehicles.. which means the compliance costs stay high.. and of course this reduces the attractiveness == endless loop
  19. being poor sux maybe they don't like your sig either?
  20. Admitting he hasn't worked with it before i think was a decent sign. Most won't even tell you that until its too late or until you have learned the hard way. Still, everybody has to learn somewhere, and if he is familiar with other EMS then I don't see him stuffing things up majorly. The only real reason you would take it there i guess is go "well, look, you're going to be learning off the whole thing, and it may may off more for you in future -- so i want much discounted rates". Paying a tuner to "learn" how to tune a system is asking for trouble.. and unfortunately it happens a lot out there. Reason why i think quite a few people do get ripped by performance workshops.
  21. or me.. your mates huh? and how long did it take for that turbo to go in... then again certain workshops won't be much better. Least if you do as much as possible yourself, you only have yourself to chase up to get stuff done. Then again, if you stuff something up, you only have yourself to blame as well
  22. actually cyrice - i think your sig needs to be de-bigged.. now its annoying
  23. morning whoever! :wavey:
  24. definitely true and good advice Replacing all vacuum lines isn't a bad idea either, as they all deteriote with age and can develop tiny cracks nearly impossible to spot as well.
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