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Everything posted by predator

  1. ha... NEVER trust a panel beater EVER
  2. but how many do you actually watch
  3. man, you are behind the times matt.. don't have a DVD burner.. geez! i got i think about 20 DVD copies suitable for 4.7gb.. just burnt one before in fact most movies i reckon have gone down hill last few years, so not much even worth copying if you ask me. But yer.. we could - SAU leech day
  4. whos that?
  5. maybe...
  6. .. hmm.. maybe that just came out a little wrong..
  7. only if she puts out...
  8. haha.. give it up smooth! you're fighting a losing battle !
  9. For non-forced induction.. you'd really have to an 8 to have any form of driveability. i think the M3 does pushes the envelope for a 6cyl at pushing out 252kw.. Some of the best figures for a naturally aspirated 6cylinder I can think of. With some work probably 300kw. So just get an m3 engine and put them, i'm sure its an easy task
  10. i have lack of energy, and lack of stuff to do how sucky
  11. hasn't happened to me and my car stands out like dogs bollocks *shrug*
  12. sell the turbo to ash.. it should go nicely on a rebuilt monster engine you could run 30psi through it no worries then
  13. yeah.. i was 4th or something: predator 2124.80 i put them in the bank? I still dont get how it all works properly.
  14. yeah.. they disappeared.. not sure how many i have either.. i think they still work?
  15. yer, its all bullshit.. all you can do is write a letter to your local politician and hope they listen (yeah right) I think most that have imported a car under SEVS have had massive headaches in one way or another. Take a scheme that is for the most part working, then make it un-workable due to ridiculous amount of crap -- way to go Government!
  16. it was lacking a bit on power when i was driving it too.. like it wasn't misfiring or anything, just didn't seem to be developing as much power as it should.. yer, bit quiet. Guess everybody is busy with the "after longweekend" rush.. been like that in here today..
  17. well i fitted mine weeks ago.. considering the quality of contruction and how every little hole was exactly the right place, i reckon it was $160 well spent. Only really because i already had the pod, and going back to a box would cost more than staying with the pod. But as for performance.. only drove it one day with the box on. When i get it back will do some more "in depth" testing. I did notice the heat soak previously there, especially when driving in traffic and the like.
  18. orange
  19. tell me after a few beers he is going to sell it.. hehe I am sure you need a bigger turbo than you have as well
  20. we'll y'all.. lol.. fark my grammar and spelling is getting more attrocious as the years go by no wonder old people speak so much shit...
  21. we'll you were the one stirring! I was saying it was fine as is hmm.. he should'a just bought a series1.. those series2 are weird ass
  22. spark plugs are cheap.. $23 and prolblem all fixed!
  23. sad to see it go.. but at least something bigger and bader is on the way! will be a long wait i am sure!
  24. anybody got $4k they can give me? i got a spare kidney that really isn't much use.. could get by with one arm i think, and people live with only one lung right?
  25. AND... I need conservatively $2000 to be able to move down to the gold coast.. as i have to buy furniture and shit like that.. otherwise i am stuck in brisbane travelling 2 hours a day and spending money on petrol.. agggg.. life costs too much money!
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