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Everything posted by predator

  1. maybe i should just increase me credit card limit, then it will no longer be a problem how much you reckon would cost for just timing belt replace and water pump from gavin? i am just going for a cheap ass waterpump ($80 instead of $150)
  2. ok.. i will still be in a daze i am sure actually having my car back and all looking good again.. its only been 5 months
  3. hey homos.. i should have the fresh mobile by thurs.. but not keen on any hard driving yes, *****.. but you would be too if you're timing belt was likely to snap and you had to buy a new engine
  4. It is perfectly legal to sell a car without a RWC. Generally however the date of the received transfer form will mean you are not liable for the fines. If this wasn't handed in (you each have to hand in your copies) you may be in trouble. I reckon he didn't even bother to transfer it and just driving around on the old plates, he probably would have got new plates if he had to re-register it.
  5. There is plenty of information that can be found via a search on here. But basically not worth doing. Cheaper, and more effective to sell off your old N/a (maybe get $1500 for it), and get an RB25DET (maybe $2500 for one).. and swap the whole engine over. If you did turbo it, due to different compression, etc you would only be able to run fairly low boost levels (7psi or so). It would work, but if you got that far, you'd probably want to modify it, and then you may as well have got the RB25DET put in instead.
  6. :werd:
  7. yes, it does.. then it looks pretty for one week and then looks crap again
  8. everybody wants black.. 60,000km genuine km.. yeah right! i will sell you mine for $23k.. its faster than matts.. :bahaha:
  9. IF you are a bit older, you should have no problems. Especially if you stick within the law. Hear is a cakewalk, you're just lucky you don't live in the Police State.
  10. well now its official... everybody has seen her.. did you bonk her? i think everybody else already has
  11. QLD always has the best sunsets.. QLD rules
  12. strutto is white and old like me, therefore he will be left alone.. hey.. not too bad there. Not even too far removed from my "artist impression" i did for you a while back. Sweet! Well i don't think anybody could mistake your skyline for any in Australia now, good stuff.
  13. probably a sign its been in accident.. but anywayz.. You can either adjust the stopper where it closes to adjust the "closed" position. This can sometimes fix things. Otherwise you will have to adjust the hinges. This involves removing the front guard first, and then either careful supporting the door at the end, or getting a mate to hold it, while you undo the bolts and try and position it up better. If it has been involved in an accident then maybe no amount of playing will fix it.
  14. 40,000km or less *GENUINE* km I doubt is possible. Always go on condition, not km anyhow. You can get a ratted 40,000km car or a brilliant 100,000km car. Probably looking at a rough guess and what i have seen around, mid 30's i guess like you say.
  15. darkhalf.r31skylineclub.com
  16. dont think it fits.. there are plenty of nicer digital displays out there.. that are all digital. I like analogue dials anyhow.
  17. you're asking in the wrong place..
  18. yer i'm most likely going to get a chaser.. 4 door twin turbo.. and luxury appointed.. and something different. With a few mods they can do 240rwkw .. and engines are good internally for 350rwkw or so, toyota make em stronger than nissans - much as i hate to admit.
  19. nah, i don't really cruise.. around town and shit at night.. not my thing.. u havent even got your 33 back? mine comes back next week.. haha.. thats not too bad, i was considering them for a while to.. even worse for me i am going non nissan *gasp* i think now
  20. well its 8 o'clock on a satuday night.. what else are ppl going to be doing?
  21. whats up? i went around driving to about 4 wreckers.. they all had **** all parts for the old aussie Skylines.. Bit poor really Was hoping to get some better seats and trims, but in the end just bought a couple of small things that have been missing since i got it
  22. dum de dum
  23. well a ****ing screaming baby has destroyed my morning. .i am damn outta here aggg.. **** these meetings at my place that my flatmate organises, sick of them!!! i'm off to go trick up the r31..
  24. ****ing idiots.. well that is what happens.. *sigh* you can see why many are becoming just sick of the reputation attached to skylines now due to people like this
  25. morning gangsta's !
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