that was from the trading post..there was another for $12k, but that sold on friday..
Mildura was actually where i bought my car actually.. private sale..
there is an airport there.. from melb it was i think $80 trip one-way.. i flew there and drove hte R33 back to melb.. i still remember that really well even though it was a while ago now.
just before i leave.. here is the one my mate just bought as a reference ben..
NISSAN SKYLINE GTS-4 1994, Gunmetal Grey, Coupe, 79000kms, 5sp, non turbo, 4WD, ABS, power everything, 10 stacker CD, 10/04 rego, immaculate
ben: seems a little steep for a non turbo GTS
my mate got a 1994 (r33) GTS4: 10 cd stacker, all the usual skyline bits plus the 4WD and ABS off the GTR.. 6 months rego, safety certificate, and 77,000km (very genuine). This thing was almost as clean as it came out of the factory.. 13,900 he paid just on the weekend.
most mods aren't worth much in the end price.
go ben!
anyhow, i have reached a code milestone in nerd terms.. woopsie.. which in laymans terms means i can go to bed now.. and get 6 hours sleep..
bye all :wavey:
250rwhp is what i have roughly got and a lot of the other guys have got... its around 185rwkw.. that is generally S-AFC, full exhaust, pod or good air filter, electronic boost controller, and FMIC to get you there..
yeah.. like glenn is saying, better make sure it handles nicely before you mess with it..
camgear could be a cheap upgrade.. I am ordering mine from nengun in a day or two.. $160 or so + shipping is cheap .. not sure whether it does as much on s2 though going from the general consensus. You can fit yours while i fit mine.
it is better than a radio cassette player from 1986.. trust me..
i have plenty of original cd's.. Although yeah, could be a pain in the ass to take it in and out when i do get a better one.
$30 ? you sure.. i think the cheapest i have seen there has been like $80..
nick: tell us more about this stocky cd player. Do you have a replacement one in there already?
yer, prolly will,.. don't have much else to do except more damn coding...ack.. will have to bring the shitter though - getting kind of bored of that. It desperately is crying for a cd player, even if it is a pov pack one
sure sounds good.. just bring me back one with 1) not fat 2) not a rake 3) large tits 4) easy to talk to 5) likes fast cars 6) appreciates a nice guy 7) preferably insane 8.) creative 9) likes dick
otherwise non fussed..