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Everything posted by predator

  1. There are quite a few of the 4WD versions.. He is not talking about the Autech version I don't think.. just the plain ol' Stagea RS4.. A couple came through today on the mailing lists: http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/0206/ http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/0205/ Bit ugly if you ask me, but if you are after a family car with some decent go for once, I reckon would be good for something different.
  2. $10 per bin hit!
  3. you're all ****ing crazy man.. all ****ing crazy
  4. it still wouldn't save you with a cop tailing you i remember in VIC as it had turned into the revenue state, they upped the laws on "driving with a dirty or obscured numberplate" up from 1point to 3points and from $50 or something fine to $200. All just so they could put more fixed revenue cameras all over the place. God Victoria was beginning to suck!
  5. bit expensive though.. and soon as the cops figure out what they are, all over red rover. They'll probably just make a law "any numberplate cover is illegal" and then that is $500 to waste
  6. launch assistance is another can of worms I think If Leewah can show what his car is capable of with stock interior (is he still running the full interior?) and can drive to the track and do a 9 (even if it is a high 9) i think a new record will be set, at least in my eyes anyhow.
  7. mmm.. camber wear!
  8. There would be quite a few people interested I would say. You are more likely to make a worthwhile business out of bodykits and the like, or a range of unique custom bodykits that aren't available anywhere else. Most of the bodykits available in Australia for Skylines and most of the Nissans are of about 5 different types. Pretty poor selection, and to get something different requires a lot of money and/or shipped from overseas. Fibreglass or carbon fibre of course are neato but there are legal conisderations for the end consumer. Replacing a factory metal panel with a fibreglass one is technically illegal, and if involved in accident, insurance may not pay out, etc as the structural integridy of the car is reduced. To be honest I'm not sure how comfortable I would be driving around in a street car with key items replaced with fibreglass. Would you trust a fibreglass door to save you if somebody t-boned you at speed? Of course that probably isn't your problem, but may prevent potential buyers. That custom carbon mob can make anything it looks like anything, so you would be in competion with them and established places such as UAS.
  9. i did work yesterday.. and the day before.. it is amazing.. it is possible.. during the day to barely even visit the forums!
  10. actually now i think we're all disappointed that you didn't do all that stuff.. go out and do it for real
  11. i thought you had been taken away for questioning?
  12. damn.. i thought i deleted my evidence.. lol.. it is true, i was sucked in.. i am man to admit
  13. Don't they do that before green? Isn't the GT-R also revving to a certain point before letting go?? If you are talking about automatic launch control that is a different issue.
  14. i love fake quoting.. anyhow, good work
  15. Notice my initial suspicion?
  16. .. but it is something i could imagine happening to him actually.. see if you had said strutto or yourself and hit the car i probably wouldn't have believed it straight away.
  17. damn.. it was almost believeable for a minute. as warwick hasn't been on here this morning..
  18. I drive down the M1 to Southport everyday... don't see any skylines really. See a couple now and then, but nothing regularly. Saw a white R33 GTR the other day.. otherwise not much - surprising actually.
  19. i'm waiting for the radios.. long weeks are shit.. that means 2 days in the next 10 i don't get paid
  20. tom green.. lol .. he is amongst us.. its so true!
  21. you boys are naughty.. tfif.. thank **** its friday.. is it a long weekend this weekend?
  22. i would but i'm on the goldcoast and at work .. hmm
  23. its mainly laws to stop young people hanging around and making idiots of themselves. In practical application its really only used to teach young guys a lesson and as a last resort.
  24. lol.. you're probably already figuring out whether there are any engines that come in Green aren't you?
  25. it wasn't the coils then obviously.. I notice a lot of people going "oh must be dodgy coils" - i think the actual number of cases where it *is* the coils is a little overstated. Coils shouldn't go wrong and they are build reasonably well. But I am sure they can go wrong, like anything. i mean there are all sorts of things that can make your car seem to "miss" and some can be mistaken for a miss when its something else. like does it do it on gear changes, when you take your foot on (hard) or simply off the accelerator, during coasting along, lumpy at idle, etc. all can indicate where the problem could actually lie. like steve says.. first thing on any car to check condition and general health of the car is the spark plugs themselves. Will tell you more than any other method i can think of, of what the problem could be.
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