As far as i know plugs, oil filter, fuel filter, waterpump, timing belt are all the same across R32 and R33 and even back to R31. Its on here somewhere, in maintenance section i think.
nissan genuine parts.. lol
why do people always want the cheapest of anything? If you want the cheapest of anything in life, you get problems. If you want the cheapest, you cant afford a GTR. Get a GTS or GTS-T :ghost:
not many are actually in the country.. as they are not elligible until August this year. A few may have come in previously before the government changed it to flat 1989 to month of manufacture.
R31 aussie one is 4 speed.. so i think they are the same.
ignore the 1 and 2, they're not "gears" as such.. they are more like low range and high range
well you know how the internet works.. hillareous one moment.. the next "haha", after that "ha", after that "ho hum".. after that "yeah, yeah, welcome to last year"