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Everything posted by predator

  1. which bit you wanna play with ? man, i'm so coming down from this weekend.. back to reality damn world, damn holidays
  2. hey hero boy
  3. im hungry.. qld airport sux for food
  4. -token whore-
  5. i think the nismo's are heavy too.. OS giken are good apparently.. Excedy clutches are good too, and have a stockish feel.. what i have, although i don't have 250rwkw but apparently they're meant to be ok for something up near that.
  6. i think cops for the most part are too ****ing dumb too infiltrate clubs unless the members are really stoopid. Probably just some kid, nothing to worry about.
  7. yup.. stock ECU isn't designed for turbo upgrades.. thats what happens generally. Didn't whoever installed the turbo tell you this before they put it on?
  8. drag racing is fun.. bring on the 14's !! yeah
  9. yer..thats a good guide merli put together. NEVER GO ON KILOMETERS ON A SKYLINE.. always check on condition, condition, and condition. But get it checked out, or bring a buddy that knows/owns import cars. There are things to look for, and even just looking at a few (limited) numbers of skylines with friends, the amount of dodgy people out there trying to sell skylines is incredible. Everything else is pretty much the same as any other car on the road, and often just common sense. Its a 30min job (if that) to swap a speedo cluster, simply unplug the old, and in with the new (its that easy, i was in fact suprised when i pulled out mine when i had my dash apart) and it happens it japan all the time.
  10. Basically most aftermarket bars you are going to find in Australia are not great quality, and always require some stuffing around. Most panel beaters despise the products produced by these fibreglass shops, as they have to spend much more time sanding it back, adjusting, and removing imperfections than a quality factory product. Basically it takes them more time = more money, which is understandable. So they prefer the factory stuff, that "as is" comes pretty much ready to paint and fit. The japanese original plastic or fibreglass kits are generally so much better and similar to factory quality, but then again why you're paying $500 for a copy instead of $1200+ for a front bar, etc. To be honest, if you go for an aftermarket bar and have your car lowered (even just to the legal height) within 12 months you would have put a decent sized crack or scrape in it. Its inevitable if you drive your car, and even more so if you drive it hard. So often the stock bar isn't such a bad idea...
  11. not always... But yeah, if its a little bit of water its aircon condensation = minor problem probably like you say strutz If its actually coolant (coolant tastes icky, looks green and generally stinks) its your heater core = problem
  12. You've been driving through a river?? Common problem in the skylines.. Anyhow, this is the solution. In the FAQ section there is a full guide to fixing the problem and photos, etc. Its a roughly 5 hour job to fix, and yep, it does need to be fixed. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...76&page=1&pp=25 The alternative is to bypass your heater completely via just plumbing it back into itself in the engine bay and skipping replacing the core for the time being. I wrote how to do that somewhere else too... 25GTT - not necessarily. Mine was a bit intermitent, then started getting worse and worse till it was doing it all the time. Of course the less you use your heater system (and in the R32/R33 skylines its kind of a balance between the heater and aircon at any one point for any degree you dial in) the less likely you're going to get the problem. Just keep a very close eye on your coolant levels, especially on hot days. Never know, always possible that some gunk has jammed in the hole, preventing it leaking
  13. This has been covered plenty of times.. you'll find some useful details in some older threads too.
  14. must'a been the green most chicks dig kids so you should be fine
  15. I'd be in.. but depends if I'm in brisbane this thursday.. How do we let you know yes/no before Thursday? Or can we just turn up at 7pm
  16. yer.. unfortunately since we were pretty much drinking since Friday night.. till last night Had to curtail the drinking last night as I'm at work today... damn victorians!
  17. Put the pics back up Even though the rims and things may have changed. I've passed it on to my friend in melb. He is definitely looking at R32 gts-t, so may get in contact with you very soon.
  18. it must be witnessed.. haha.. but won't the guy buying the old engine be a little pissed if it arrives with a rod sticking out the block?
  19. lol... DO IT JOHN! just don't do it tonight as i gotta pick up my friends from the airport just find an industrial estate.. or carpark.. somebody *has* to bring the video camera to record it..
  20. :wavey: the plastic pipe was installed by the previous owner. Looks a bit scrappy, but held to the FMIC piping via a zip tie and cloth tape -- classy i know. As we were saying the other day, bunnings could be a good place to get it. They have like plastic garden irrigation piping, which is about the right size, and can be bent to size. I've got mine running through the old return pipe for the stock IC (which I no longer have)
  21. mj: yup, autos are definitely different. I took the R31 out last night, and while it was slow, the auto made a bit of a difference. Just being able to plant it off the line and it goes is a whole different thing.
  22. yup, leases can be traps. You're not really "owning" anything. Of course with employer deductions and things it can be worthwhile, but otherwise. mj: yeah, went very well.. here is pretty much the sum of it: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=38169 It may be a while before i can take it out and really test it to see whether it really made a difference, but i suspect it will.
  23. yeah i'd reckon $20k for yours would be fair.. hard to tell of course. When you look at a car looking a bit hacked (yours with the unpainted from bar.. or mine with the multicolouredness) people always go "erk, what a load of crap".. but soon as its painted its a whole different car. When i went from old split, undercoated patches, half sanded back GTR bar, and dented panel to *bling* again my whole perception, and others of my car changed. So hope that is the case when fixed.
  24. banks are shit aren't they only want you to get new stuff so they can repossess or sell it if the time comes. In my old job, they probably would have given me enough for a $70,000 R34 GTR, as it was under the 5 years or whatever, yet i had to get a personal loan for the R33 as it was "too old" to be eligible as a car loan
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