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Everything posted by predator

  1. damn.. my dad took himself off the website i was going to show you my old man.. haha, people always find him amusing looking.
  2. its usually a contact switch yeah.. if its down its all ok, but when you pop the bonnet it goes up and acts like its being violated. jaycar should have a replacement.
  3. erin: whats the OMG OMG ??
  4. haha.. we're the infinitely thin people.. lol ..
  5. yer.. mine was same and took me AGES to work out.. ended up one of the immoboliser points was the sensor I'd disconnected when i pulled off my panel. If its open circuit the whole alarm will go off inexplicably. Connected it back up and much better.. check that
  6. yeah.. i am the same.. can eat anything and weigh nothing.. my parents always said "you'll get big like us one day".. and looking at my dad i started to get scared.. but meh, now i'm 27 and not getting big anytime soon.
  7. yeah.. matt is just tucking it to a big tacho right now.. the shift light must be a bit hard to swallow though .. belgarion: but don't you have an alarm in ur 33? doesn't that annoy the absolute crap out of you when it goes off un-necessarily ? although i admit earlier today i was just sitting in my car near a lancer and it started chirping just because i was there.. then it started going off.. that was funny
  8. its the 16 year olds that get sucked in..and then the parents have to foot the bill. Being a parent must be hell these days..
  9. crap.. i just realised i was looking at yesterdays tv guide i missed it.. instead i get vanstone on tv.. eeeek.. turns off tv quickly
  10. i am sure its funyn to them.. lucky my alarm controller works from the couch.. shit.. i was going to watch something on tv that looked really interesting.. SBS sya all
  11. hehe.. well probably not where i live. But its a heavily trafficked street.. and assholes drive about 1 foot away from smashing into it, which sets off the alarm.
  12. yamutha: exaclty.. phone companies are laughing all the way to the bank. 80c or something to send a picture message.. no thanx.
  13. Aggggggggggggggggg@!!! I Swear This Guy Is Doing Laps Thats The 2nd Time In 5 Mins
  14. damn..imdb is intelligent.. lets see whether this works:
  15. random pic so mystique feels at home:
  16. GD68 ? what brand is that? or has nokia changed their naming. my 8210 had problems when i first got it, but after they fixed it been fine ever since. And i've dropped it, got it wet, i think thrown it, and it lives warwick: speak in emoticons -- see whehter you can do it!
  17. damn.. if another v8 sets off my alarm i'm gonna scream i swear.
  18. Umart is only part-time at the moment, chris hired another guy at the same time who works when I'm not working doing the same thing. Basically as he needs an extra person in there 6 days a week. But its worked out well so far, allows me to do other things. Believe it or not I don't think he owns a skyline either but Umart has been good so far.
  19. yeah, i think that is one of the reasons I stopped buying phones. They moved from the simple to out of control with too much stuff I would never use myself anyhow. Good old 8210 is fine for me -- if i ever change i lose my old cheap workplan.
  20. me? lets see.. got the r31 registered with much thanx to john, who was napping when i called to remind him when i was there Was a bit nervous driving around without plates, but no cop hassles (even though it was legal). So happy about that, and its got shiney plates "sunshine state" of course, none of this smart state stuff. then tried to put spare 33 seats in the 31 (didn't fit).. then i did some web work i am working on.. tomorrow work again at this place i am doing some webdesign for, then friday back at umart. Now aren't you sorry you asked lol
  21. ahhh... yer, i'd say that is completely out of control there i guess nokia has been producing phones for so long they're getting bored.
  22. yeah, i'm not a fan of the broken cross look either
  23. haven't you seen the xmen movies? she's the spikey one.. (i think)
  24. she's an xmen character
  25. yer, i hear its impossible to have kids if your restraint points are missing.. mine never went on either.. gotta love the old compliance scheme.
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