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Everything posted by predator

  1. double posting eh? like what? you need a proper dump pipe which is recommended for decent flow anyhow.. an external wastegate (~$600), and i think the GT30 may require a bit of a spacer to get it at the right level over the manifold ($30), then your water and oil lines, which you probably need to upgrade on a highflow anywayz ($200). You're up for $3k instead of $2.2k - woopdi....
  2. $4k ? looks like somebody's putting on a lot of markup.. Try these guys.. http://www.horsepowerinabox.com/HPIAB2/cat...ategory26_1.htm GT30 - $2,304.50 inc GST within Australia. Sure you'll need to factor in ext. wastegate and a few other things which you don't with the highflow, but not too much difference in price there. And if you are willing to try/risk a 2nd hand HKS unit there are plenty of them around for about $2k.
  3. yup.. thats because its the same one for a "rare" factory option, seems like a few people got 'em.. And of course all the V-SPEC people..
  4. lol.. hehe.. believe it erika there was nothing especially crazy about the car (just the driver maybe ).. and Dale's was similar at the time.. see nismor34 had the better time, but then he came over and said "you should adjust the timing a bit might make a diff".. did it there on the spot and then 5 mins later r34gtt-r got a better time. but it was all good fun. It was a few months ago when i lived in melb. oh it had a carbon fibre bonnet too (woop). i don't see why you couldn't get that time if a stock 33 can get low 14's.. with the NEO engine which is slightly more powerful (i think its 205kw fly stock as opposed to 175kw for a 33). The engine is only a few years old too so will prolly be running smoother than a 10 year old 33 as well.
  5. Trust/Greddy makes a set of pulleys, all *bar* the the main crank (I assume for the risk/perceived risk of the balancing issues discussed).. Favourites nengun have them for approximately $300: http://www.nengun.com/product_info.php?cPa...4694af6628dcbea I guess the main one everybody has been talking about is the main crank pulley, however I feeling trust would have invested a bit to see whether it was safe enough to reliably put on a stock balanced RB engine and the answer was no. For fitment, I assume they are same across RB25 and RB26, seeing as everything around this "area" is pretty much transferable (water pump, timing belt, ex. and inlet cam gears, even the cam cover)
  6. I'd agree that off the aircon off is barely making a difference.. my physics isn't great but wouldn't *any* friction on the pulley caused by the belt would cause some loss? Even if is not actively spinning?? But anyhow, the aircon wasn't the main factor, as like above, you'd get the same effect just by turning it off (simple) However the fan would have to place some noticeable placing draw?? and like wise the waterpump must be placing draw?? as again (physics knowledge not great) isn't any device running off that pulley system effectively creating an increase in rotational mass?? it works as "one" system, rather than simply a weight of an individual component?? as you can see with the question marks I have absolutely no idea, but I'm just keen to find out why/why not :-)
  7. hmm... torsional vibration and whatever else aside.. if people are really keen on reducing the rotational mass.. wouldn't a more simple solution to cut a few items out of the equation? Wouldn't simply just removing the belt to the aircon compressor (and you may as well remove the compressor at the same time to save that 10kg or so), removing the engine fan, replacing that with a thermo fan, and putting in an electric water pump (craig davies, etc) give you similar results in terms of reduced rotational mass? Ok, maybe its not as simple, but same end results(??) http://www.fordmuscle.com/archives/2000/08...ump/index.shtml - is an interesting article.. p.s. has anybody run a craig davies pump in their RB? What were the results like? Its about $600 for the kit.
  8. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

    my riced up 33 interior..
  9. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

  10. ..and also in Saturday's Courier-Mail good to see its a "current" "story"
  11. it may be fast.... but still one of the ugliest cars out there.. sorry, but it is!
  12. It was in the paper "so it must be true".. but its a good story!
  13. thats very impressive figures for the BMT dyno, which generally most fully maxed (sans turbo change) 33 GTS-T push around 150-170rwkw
  14. haha.. i'm not sure, my idea of a cruise is generally to get out of the city a bit and try and go at least a fair distance. But meeting in the city is a good starting point.. Doing laps or just hanging around, etc whatever is fine, but it can easily attract attention of the cops and whatever else. Well... i dunno.. personally i also find that a bit boring to be honest! Give me a mountain run or whatever anytime where u can press your limits and really use the car to its maximum.
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