I've finished up my car, and finished the manual conversion and it's all working pretty nicely. On the gearbox, there is a green w/ orange stripe and black wire at the back of the box (neutral switch?).. and at the front of the box is a green w/ white stripe and green wire. I've xtended these wires up to the fusebox area.
The only thing is I'm having a lot of difficulty with the reverse switch! Yes I have read the manual conversion tutorial and all the associated threads on the wiring, but mine seems different for some strange reason?
I have ran the loom from the gearbox up to near the fuse box... and I have found the reverse wires (red 12v) and green w/ stripe (reverse). Now if I connect these to the reverse switch, basically i get the exact opposite of what I should be getting! In reverse, reverse is "off" (i.e. no reverse lights), but in anything other than reverse it's "on".
So basically from I can see reverse is "open circuit" and non-reverse is "closed circuit", when it needs to be changed to the opposite some how.
Does anybody who is familiar with wiring know how I can change this behaviour to the opposite (diode or something?). My electronics theory is pretty basic, so I'm just unsure how I can do this. If I can, I think it all should work fine. There must be some simple way to fix it I am sure.