...or too late
I think one of the problems we have in Australia is that a lot of people 30+ think that after then they are a 'perfect' driver, when in fact it can be rather blind to their flaws.. or the attitude "I've been driving for 30 years, I know how to drive" -- which can actually lead to some arrogance, and ignorance of other drivers around them.
I think getting your licence at age 18, and never requiring any further updates or skill checks is a further recipe for disaster, even when you're past the initital 18-25 period. If you look at the stats, from around age 25-40 there is probably as many fatalities as this younger group. Sure its a larger period, but its still not insignificant. Its not just younger drivers that die on the roads, despite the heavy media bias - it is all ages.
(not directed at you elk )