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Everything posted by predator

  1. I'm getting sick of reading every thread with "I know you have it listed for $xx.. but hey, that won't stop me offering 1/2 of that because I'm a poor bastard that can't really aford to modify my car". And having got it in the past with items I have sold, just sick of it and its getting worse. If people can't afford damn things they should stop wasting the sellers time! Can we just simply delete all "will you take?" type posts, its filling the forsale section with total shit... buyer asks one price, 5 idiots jump on with offers well below that, seller tells them to get knotted, arguments erupt, etc. Unless the buyer clearly states "Open to offers" I think it should be assumed they will NOT be taking offers on the item listed... and therefore the priced asked will be the sold price, unless of course they decide to later drop the price due to lack of interest.
  2. it's AN0.. then lookup 'auto paint sellers and wholesalers" in yellowpages.. they make up the can stuff as above, or just in a bottle.. if you are on the goldcoast, could PM sirskyline, he may be able to help you out.
  3. Congratulations.. Hope it goes well, and with the whole house and everything looks like you're set!
  4. I'm 29 and still play video games a few hours a week.. shrug... its better than the bullshit on tv these days which i can't usually watch for more than 5 minutes . better watch.. soon you might outgrow your skyline too and being fully sik
  5. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=74308
  6. www.gtr.com.au
  7. still open past the date? I'm after a clutch line for 32
  8. haha.. welcome to panel shops. I had my old skyline in for "2 weeks at most".. was there for nearly 2 months.. same biz, got so pissed off, but what do you do? just wait it out, be nice where you can and hope for the best. Often if your car is the one to do "after these paying jobs" - in the end you might get a better result, and at a cheaper price than if you keep hassling them for "today, today", and you're a nice guy about it. I'd just go in an explain the situation in a calm manner, even mention you don't mind paying a bit more to get it back quicker. They'll like you for not being a typical ass.
  9. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=85232 i believe safc-2 uses same settings as mentioned in the above... its right in the safc2 manual on www.apexi.com anyhow, not looking too hard.
  10. I agree.. i have an auto r32 with rb25 highflow (not gcg however) and checked today the revs vs boost, and its making 12psi (tubotech controller) by 3800rpm.. without any proper tune. No idea of power at the moment. Tune coming tuesday for some figures.
  11. he owns a VL, have pity...
  12. col: i would imagine you would have to get it tuned for the stuff.. thats what everybody has been saying.. then once you do you keep having to use it, so you are stuffed again.. for that reason don't think i'll be using it for a while. That's probably what everybody else is thinking too, so nobdody will adopt it and they'll give up? We'll see I guess
  13. I think if you'd have hit something reasonably, everything is going to be gone anyhow.. but it is an extra crumble zone. Personally, mine is cut back, but not removed.
  14. what were the other support mods?
  15. well the guy doing the 3 point turn should be judging the guys speed correctly, whether he was doing 10km or 100km/hr .. 3 point turns are too dangerous if you ask me at the best of times in any street. anyhow, blah, blah. the_paladin: well here in QLD I've never actually seen a car obey a 50km/hr zone no matter what car they're in so don't go on about damn skylines. Rednecks in their dunny dores are 5 times worse and the average for them seems to be about 20km/hr over. About the only one who ever does seems to be ME in my skyline. shrug.
  16. well mine pinged with a highflow rb25 and about 12psi.. until I richened it up a bit at a couple of points using an SAFC.. So just be careful.
  17. Has anybody tried the full version of Datascan? and what did they think? Calumsult requires win2k and my old laptop only runs win98 unfortunately. I got ConzultFree working, but obviously its very limited... and its a bit expensive for the full version.
  18. ahh.. a low 13 or so to start with hopefully.. nothing massive. Depends how many kw its pushing after I get it tuned next week. Its an RB20, with highflow rb25 turbo and some support mods. Needs more than an SAFC to do anything too great i have a feeling Will bump it up a few days before to see if anybody is interested in meeting up on the night so if you're running the R can come say hello
  19. I have put manual pedals in mine ready for manual conversion in a couple of months (was bored ).. I have written part of the guide for manual conversion.. email gcraick@gamebiz.com.au and I'll send you photos and the text I've written on the pedals its a bit of a fiddly bitch, but you should be able to work it out. You shouldn't need to pull anything out.. the bolt up the top for the clutch pedal is where the old auto sensor box is (or whatever it is -- its white plastic box anyhow)
  20. are his sideskirts still in tact? but yeah.. 3 point turn, you turn in front of oncoming traffic.. your fault.. if the skyline was speeding who knows
  21. I'm heading out there for Test N' Tune on 14th December to give my car a run before the end of the year. If anybody else is keen on coming, can meet up there or before-hand to say hello. I'll be coming from the Goldcoast You've got a couple of weeks notice so no excuses
  22. This doesn't seem to be enforced that well. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=94956 I am not sure what would be classified as "excessive" but to me once a day would be pretty close to it.. it seems a few cars are being bumped day after day? Seems a bit silly to enforce such a rule and not follow through with it.
  23. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=59095
  24. or buyers? god could be here forever... it's definitely worse than it used to be.. kids these days their "I want" is so much bigger than their wallets.
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