ouch.. your onevia got a good smacking!
I am not sure what you're really worried about as the car is dead now anyhow. Getting the money back to fix repairs that are not really applicable anymore to me is a 'who cares situation'.. but I can understand how its money for nothing.
She will be a bit sus if you get the cheque in your name (I would), but I guess, in the end, it doesn't really matter who it goes to.
I would have thought too, that any accident, it is the other parties responsibilty to fix the vehicle to the state it was before, and not pending any further damage or paying for any of that damage. Not just giving a person money to do what they like. But if the car is written off, would the 'agreement' be void in a way?? (but I'm no lawyer). Wonder if she could worm her way out of it?