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Everything posted by Archie@

  1. sounds about right to me. If your car is illegally moded, then it's technically not allowed to be driven, therefore technical not covered under a policy.... nothing out of the ordinary there..... yeah it does suck but thats the way it is.... You could probably get some special coverarage for it, if it's a race car but then it still wouldn't be insured for road use....
  2. It's probably cause it's easier to learn a vehicles limits in an underpowered car. My first car was a mirage and shit i could hang that thing around a corner quick.... so basicly i think you get a better feel for it with the smaller cars and it helps when you then get into something alittle more ballsier.... anyways, congrats on the new car, albight it is an excel, it's still a fun little car, my mate used to have one and we used to hammer it as fast over this one speed hump all day, taking turns to see how much air we could get with it..... great memories....
  3. biggest myth, as long as it has been even half decently looked after..... Oh.. and although people say it's heavy, it's no heavier than a line.... former owner.... cant wait to get my hands on another. The cons are that it's very tight engine bay. very hard to get your hand in anywhere around the block. also you don't want to trust just anyone with repairs/mods/servicing as most people cant even find the air filter, so it will cost abit to get anything done on it.... my recomendations are Unique auto sport in castle hill, they are Z specialists, so they know what they are doing... but it will cost abit. great car.... i've got nothing but praise for it.... check out Aus300zx.com for info on what to look out for when purchasing one....
  4. Hey Blitz, I'm interested.... can he remove my old tints as well? and if so at what price..... Ohh... and would it cost any extra to get my targas done? cheers
  5. Also intersted if it's still for sale. Where abouts in Sydney?
  6. It all comes down to how they calculate the premium based on what info you have. Certain insurance companies rate areas, age and the car differently. For example i'm under 25 (just barely) living in the eastern suburbs and with a colourful driving history. My current ride is a 280zx. My insurance turned out to be $180 cheaper at CGU than with Justcars. And if memory serves me correct Shannons was about $100 cheaper than Justcars as well. but when I had the 300zx about 2 years ago, with a less of a driving record and a different suburb in the east, Justcars was considerable cheaper than all the rest, by about $500 if i remember. All insurers will issue a covernote. It's like a grace period before you purchase the policy. I took one out only 2 months ago with justcars. But by the time I did the rounds with other insurance companies and found a cheaper quote, I just didn't take out the insurance policy with justcars and in 14 days time they canceled the policy. simple as that.
  7. sorry to run alittle off topic on this one but out of curiosity, where did you pick up the motor from. I've been searching for a good condition rb25 but havn't made up my mind yet on where to get it from... and if you don't mind me asking, what approximate price did you pay?
  8. checked it last night and it's definalty not the fuse in the fuse panel and there was definalty no burning smell or anything, so it must be the fuse thats behind the dash... damn..... thanks for the help guys....
  9. Hi guys, I'm not much of an electrician but I usually install my own sound systems and have done a few in my time.... however I'm having alittle bit of a problem. I was installing a Sony CDX S2210X system. Everything was fine once i hooked it up and tested it.... then all of a sudden it cut out and the only thing it will do is allow me to put in or take out the cd when the ignition is turned on. I sorta lost my patience at this point and so I havn't removed all panels to get to the stereo again to check if it is a fuse thats blown... yet.... ( I will this weekend)... Have I..... A. blown the fuse for the continues power? B. blown the fuse on in the unit? C. stuffed the entire unit? It's wierd as some power must be going into the unit as I can put a cd in, but the unit won't light up or do anything else.... I was thinking i might have just blown the fuse for continues power and since it needs both that and ignition power it's just not getting enough power supply to power the entire unit. Please tell me if I'm on the right track.... by the way it's going into a 280ZX so literally half the dash needs to be removed to get to the stereo again, thats why I hope someone can diagnose the problem before I dismantle the car yet again.... Cheers
  10. Is it a roof mount screen? if not can i also get pics of the screen & dvd player to [email protected] ta EDIT: PM sent.... Is this still available?
  11. you buggered up the link.... cant access it. BTW what program are you using, maybe thats why the colours aren't turning out right for you... are you overlaying the new colour or agjusting the Hue/sat? diferent methods will yield different results...
  12. hmm.. yes the street fighter series and it's spin offs are good 2D fighting games... All time favorites have to the Gran Turismo series (especially 4).... and for the PC... Counter Stike Source. other than that i have a massive collection of games but non seem to hold my attention for more than 5 minutes....
  13. the thought did cross my mind to seperate the unit, but i was thiking it might be a better laternative if i can remove the entire unit when i need to.... I'm sure it's not exactly comon practice to use a portable dvd player since the market is now flooded with cd players that have built in screens, but i had a just a faint hope that some others might have gone down the cost saving path i'm atpemptng to take. I'd rather spend good money on performance mods....
  14. :lol: :lol: Okay..... whos gonna own up to that post
  15. I've recently purchased a little portable DVD player. It's a 7' screen that flips open like a laptop. Nothing fancy, but considerably cheaper than the incar units, plus I can remove it to give me peace of mind. As the player is slightly larger than the glove box, I can't just stick it in there, however I was thinking of mounting a frame in the glove box that has rails so you can pull it out like a drawer. I'm not looking for something fancy and bling, more for practicle purposes of long drives up the coast etc... How have you guys mounted your DVD players? any suggestions?
  16. could i see some pics of the camera mount as well? pm me please...
  17. is that the delta or the S4?
  18. I've always found the getaway series very ordinary... personally i don't find anything cool about some idiot racing on a public road puting other peoples lives at risk. Prefer BMI series and top gear....
  19. Rod, being a Zed fanatic I would love to help, unfortunatly i don't know all that much about Z31's.... however I can suggest visiting www.aus300zx.com. Most of us there have Z32's but a few of the guys still drive the Z31's and I'm sure would be more than happy to answer your question.
  20. Thats cause it's target audiance was older. It was for people that can afford GTR's and mod them to decent levels. unlike hot 4's and other excel moding publications.... It's not that it took itself seriously or thought they were the best mag out, it was just aimed at a more mature audiance.... plus i found there to be plenty of humor in there... see back page comparisons... EDIT: and as with the post above mine.... my g/f actualy loved reading it too as it wasn't filled with half naked chicks... we have internet for that people!!! :lol:
  21. @ whippet, I cracked a 488km/h in the RUF CTR2... and i've heard of other on the GTPlanet forum who have hit in excess of 510km/h, try advusting the downforce on the car as well. Although I should tell you if you adjust way too much downforce on the rear and not enough on the front, the car will do a wheelie.... but i garentee that that 510 mark will be history. Also try a car like the Minolta 88-C (i've seen it hit 516 kph) or the mercedes sauber, these cars are by farr quicker than the Bentley. Check out this thread for some insane top speed records.....
  22. Geez... i'm suprised that so many of you like it.... I wasn't all that impressed. I especially didn't like the massive hole in the rev range as it switchs cams some where between 5 &6K revs.... then it suddenly hit like it was a turbo... not what i expect from an N/A car. handling is up to par with most ff cars, that was fine, but my preference is a FR any day so I wasn't overly exicted about the front wheel drive. maybe the moded ones are better, but when you change gears it dosn't want to stay reving too high so you end up hitting the power hole again and again. it does pull quickly and well i suppose there are far worse ways to spend your money, but for the price that is asked for one... i'd personally go for a base model integra. Ohh and i forgot to mention.... WTF is the reverse gear doing on the wrong side.... almost put it in to reverse everytime i go to put it in first....
  23. I've recently decided that my 280ZX just isn't up to scratch powerwise but don't want to part with it as it is a beutiful car. I've seen many a small block chev convesions, but also a couple of RB20's as well. I'd like to go one up on the RB20. So...... I've come to the conclusion that my best bet is to dump the old L28 engine and possibly replace it with an RB25DET. The gearbox would definatly need replacing as well... most likely with an R33 manual gear box. Now I take it that my best bet would be to replace the diff as well? Also could anyone possibly point me in the direction of somewhere reputable in Sydney that i could source an RB with the running gear? And if anyone has any idea on rough figures for a job like this, I'm sure its not particular cheap.... Edit: oops... i realise i stuffed up the title...
  24. ^^ been following Franz's exploits for sometime now.... fantasitc in car footage.
  25. allways up for a game... although i havn't played in about 2 months so i'm probabl really badly out of form at the moment. got any suggestions for a server we could all meet at? the swift servers and optusnet used to be my usual spots... decent single or low two digit pings
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