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Everything posted by Archie@

  1. Awsome work prank, i see you've fixed the custom titles as well as the post preview.... and as everyone else said, don't apoligise, we all know your doning a great deal of work to get this all up and running, i for one think it's great..... and remember ....a wise man once said that you can please some people some of the time... the rest can go get F****d :lol: j/k
  2. i've seen a vast aray of diffrent cop cars in sydney, especially for the undercover mob, Rex's etc.... the funniest i've seen was a marked smart roadster, parked in the city... classic :lol:
  3. Being the diligent hard worker I am, I've been sitting in my office busy working on my little model.... well maybe it's my lack of finese with thin bits of paper but mine turned out looking like $hit. Mind you i must of spent an entire 10 minutes doing t (which in itself is an amazing feet that I managed to concentrate on a single task for that long).
  4. Hi Guys, not sure if this has been posted before but i came across this the other day..... it's not mine, and i'm not sure who to give the credit too, but it's a bit fun when your bored shitless in the office....
  5. i want my VG back :lol: thanks ferni, i'll check that out at work. my pc at home has none of these problems, but i'll fiddle around with the work pc.... thanks for all the hard work on the forum Prank... it's coming together nicely, I miss the old style, but once the few little things get ironed out it'll be as good as ever. cheers
  6. at home might be fine other than the fact that i dont particulary like firefox, but i do most of my browsing at work and they have managed to block almost (i do say almost cause i have found gaps) all modifications to the systems they run.... anyhow the forum shouldn't (nor do i think it is) be designed to only run properly on one type of browser....it still dos'nt really fix the other problems i'm experiancing such as the missing functions....
  7. I don't seem to have the function that allows me to edit the RB25DE (someone musta swapt my VG for an RB whilst i was asleep last night) thingy underneath my avatar. i've looked in "my controls", "profile info" as directed by other in the forum but it seems i don't have the "custom title" option that is meant to be there.... I also seem to get a run time bug everytime I open a page, although it still opens without problem... something about an Undetermined string constant. the only really enoying thing is that i get prompted every single time i open a post. here is a pic of the error... Oh yeah and does anyone know if the gallery will be linked to peoples stats on the side bar? that was pretty cool before. I do prefer the old forum, but i think this one is fine as well. just need to iron out the bugs.... good job guys B)
  8. Toby doesn't generalise that all younger drivers are hoons, although he might get that impression from hanging around me too much It is a shame that skylines and import drivers are targeted in particular, and what was meant by the post is that not all drivers of these vehicles are hoons but normal citizens going about there own business and the police wasting their and our time with frivolous attempts at revenue raising.
  9. I'm another that you have saved from wasting time and money on this game, i was a little excited about it, but after what you guys have said, i think i'll just go hide in the corner and play some more GT4. thanks guys
  10. that's a classic, i didn't think it would be possible to make a connection between tints and terrorism, but there it is!!!
  11. i've got a few siting on the hard drive including a lap with Stefan Bellof in his porsche 956. pm me anyone wants me to host it. *edit: just had a look and i've also got: BMI WRC spec C sti (timed) BMI NSX-R (timed) 770hp 996 (no time posted, but bloody quick) and a R34 GTR (not timed, free run) all doing laps on the ring
  12. I think what they meant about you breaking forum rules is that the post has to be about the a certain topic, this may sort of fall within general automotive, but it won't in alot of the other forums on SAU. there is no need to spam the entire site with advertisement. SAU does have certain sections setup for advertisement of products etc, or just limit it to the forum top it fits best into. anyway good luck finding someone, it sounds intresting if you get it off the ground.
  13. i've got it..... not as good as say BMI vids but nurburgring is a good little section on the dvd.... check for torrents..... otherwise pm me
  14. the problem is you only got a 2 litre donk...... nah just kidding, give the car some good tlc and eliminate the obvious things off your list like, oil change, clean pod filter etc etc..... once the simple things have been checked and it's still giving you problems, then it's time to head to a mechanic, unless your mechanically inclined....
  15. really, really bored the other night so i was stuffin round with photmode....... and well i couldn't resist pulling this tread out of the grave to post a few more pictures..... :wassup:
  16. wow a perfectly good beema ruined..........
  17. cheers, i didn't realise i had adobe image ready... gave it a go works well. anyway keep up the awsome work
  18. Hey GT(R-RATED), they look really sweat. nice job. just a quick question, what gif editor are you using?
  19. i wouldnt put great faith in the specs either......
  20. you want cheap insurance at your age? buy a charade or sumfin......
  21. currently using bittorrent.... reasonably good. i find the best thing about it is that you are not limited to using one site to download from. i usually search torrents when it's a slow day at work, e-mail the torrent file home and when i get home i can just start the download in bittorrent.
  22. hehe yeah....i just found out what the problem was.... torrent shows upload/download in bits so the 15 odd bits i'm receiving is more like 125 kilobytes. Now i just actually realised that my ISP capps my uploads at 125kbs were as my download speed isn't capped. so no matter what it seems im destined to have to set downloads for overnight jobs. ohhh welllll......... cheers guys
  23. hi Guys, I know this isn't really game related but since this is were most of the tech heads hang out I thought it might be more appropriate to post here than elsewhere..... anyways to the point. I’ve been downloading a fair few torrents, but the problem is, it takes for ever. I have a cable connection so I would at least like a 200-300kbs download and not the pathetic 20-30kbs that I am getting. I’ve read up a bit about opening ports etc etc but the problem is I’m using a USB modem... to be precise a Motorola surfboard hunka junk, so there is only one port. is there anything I can do to up the speed of the downloading of por.... i mean family orientated movies or am I doomed forever in eternal frustration whilst the torrent hogs my precious counterstrike time. ta
  24. yeah when checking the steam servers i'm pretty sure there is a way to check who is online, i think possibly right click on server cause i know it does give you some options. i definatly know that when a server is full and you are que'd to get on, you can see who is playing.
  25. probably even less than that. u online 2morrow night coxy? can't play 2night cause i'm downloading dvd's atmo.
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