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Everything posted by Archie@
damn..... got on for about 5 minutes, but had to leave..... couldnt find the particular server you guys were on as not being an optusnet player usually i didn't realise that there are about 10 or so servers. maybe we should get the numbers up and arrange a specific server and time.... i'm still keen
y to chat with a all & u to chat with team
what time?
if i get time to it's about 10 to 11 on a week night or 7-8 ish in the morning on a weekend. i've thought about having a server, but one of my mates had one for a while and it costs a bit to keep runing, plus it's time and energy he wasn't willing to endure for more that 2 months. I don't think i could be arsed either. I'm definatly up for an SAU showdown however... hehehe
your ping is more like a connection rate.... the better it is the smoother the game play. on swiftgames for example i usually ping in the 20's. you will notice when some one has a high ping rate as they seem to lag. You will notice everyone else almost teleport from one place to another. also ajust your frame rate, it healps heaps in getting a smooth game. As mentioned before memorise the shortcuts. and my nick is usually syntax error.
lots of practice.... i try to get at least 2-3 games in a week at least, or else i fall out of shape. best to go practice on weak weapons, so when u pick up ones with bigger and better fire power, the emeny drop like flys. my personal favorites to train on are the scout and pistols. at first you won't kill anyone but as you get better people respect?? a scout kill. if it's really to hard, just train with the bots for a while, as they are really easy to kill. what servers have you been visiting? i ususally reside in swiftgames or ozforces forums, they seem to have a good ping if you live in sydney...
Ah but isn't it true that Michelin actually ended up bringing in the appropriate compound tyre all the way from France. The Michelin teams could well have used these tyres and suffered a penalty for a tyre change, but still have held a race. As for Minardi they knew all along that Ferrari would oppose so off course Stoddart wants to look like the good guy out there. He's probably laughing all the way to the bank as it's the first time in how long that he's actually scored points?!?!?! If i was in Ferrari's position with that much money being spent on a single race, i would say Fu(k the rest of the field too. they fail to turn up to a race prepared, then why should that penalise the teams that have done the right thing. I understand that it suck for everyone involved, especially the fans, but Michelin and the 7 teams brought this on themselves..... end of rant anyway i think i'll go back to watching JGTC so much more interesting than this boring kart crap....
it's not that it's bad, but the cars feel more responsive and are considerably quicker with ASM & TC off, has a much more realistic feel to it. it's also heaps more fun being able pitch your car sideways into a corner... :devil1:
i make a habbit of turning it off for every car i get into.... but i do know alot of people that play with it on.....
nope, i don't see the difference... a mate of mine got an M3 for his 16th birthday.... mind you the dip$hit wrote it off two weeks later, but thats not the point. I on the other hand had to save hard for a few years.....
overheating is a HPI magazine myth. repairs car get expensive if you don't go to the right place as people will try to rip you off. Unique Autosport in castle hill is a highly recommended place to get things done, as John is a 300zx specialist. Age is a bit of an issue, but if you are getting an N/A, try to get your hands on an Aus-spec one as these tend to have a decent service history and have usually been well looked after. Major things to look for are timing belt replacement, rust, and to check targa top seals. Also look for chassis damage. oh yeah..... and put some spare cash away to pay for speeding fines...... try this forum to find out more about Z's.... AUS300ZX.com
thanks heaps.... now i'm off to play
quick question before i buy the game... i know the logitech driving force pro is good for the pc as i use it for NFS:HP2 & Porsche challenge...well when i can spare a minute away from GT4, but does GTR have 900 degree support? cause thats when the DFP is in its prime.....
i beleive i've now seen it on sale at harvey norman.... i think i might go pick up a copy of it today
second that...... i'd love to have a go as well, if some one could host it
the banner pic was the link, but the pic went missing, i've fixed it now.... give it a go. good bit of fun to kill time at work.
"original" parts from tuning houses are good, esp the original suspension upgrades, as they are very stiff. and don't require alot of setup for drift.... ohh yeah, and turn of ASM & TC. Also if you want a fast dori racer then the "original" or stage 5 turbo is good as it has a bucket load of low RPM pulling power.
hi guys.. trawling on the net the other day and came across this little flash game streetchallenge.... any of you playing it? .... good bit of fun. tell me what you think got myself alittle integra and moded it... and yes there is a GTR in the game .... YEAH YEAH :wassup: clicky cllicky
if you got a ps2, why ydon't you get GT4?? Personally i think it's far better than the outdated sega GT....
.........moron......... how stupid can you get?? people like that should not even be allowed to catch public transport, let alone own a car.....
GT4 Picture thread (56k unfriendly)
Archie@ replied to Silver-Arrowz's topic in PC & Games Discussion
as you can tell, i was bored and alittle pissed the other day and came up with these..... :wassup: -
gonna give the binnocular trick ago...... thats if i can find any spare time to play between, work, GT4, study and cruising ..... Ahhhhrrr.....
well.... on my short sabbatical from GT4, I’ve been playing Farcry and well what can i say......awesome. Being a massive CS & HL fan for years and having grown up playing the doom series... i gotta say that for an FPS, this has blown me away. I gotta admit that well having finished all the dooms (including 3) as well as HL & HL2 on difficult settings(and countless other FPS like MOH etc).... well i'm kinda struggling pretty badly even on medium setting for Farcry. Buts its so addictive. The grafix simply put HL2 and Doom3 to shame, and the rambo/james bond (tropical island jungle) atmosphere is brilliant. My main problem is being a CS player at hart, that i storm into base camps with grenades and a MP-4, but i'm sure that a bit of finesse would get me further.... is anyone else playing this...... and what are your thoughts......& well tactics.
lol, same but, i just havnt been able to get to gt4 cause my g/f keeps using the ps2 for dvd's. So i picked up Farcry the other day.... man does it rock!!!! anyways hope to get some long awaited gt time in on the weekend... :wassup:
Please Help Guys! GT4 Memory Card Issues.
Archie@ replied to Starionturbo's topic in PC & Games Discussion
i've heard a few people complain about this on GTplanet..... seems to be fairly common problem, but then if you have noticed... even when autosave is off, it still saves certain things like vehicle purchases........ it sorta suxs