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Everything posted by Archie@

  1. That’s exactly right... luck of the draw..... but at the same time there are very few forgiving Magistrates for people speeding..... and well the excuse is pretty lame as well.... if the speedo is busted, the car shouldn’t be driven... Personally I think the only way you might of gotten off it was if you where on your way to the mechanic at the time of getting booked.... but since you weren’t ... Australia boasts a wonderfully shithouse public transport system.... have fun
  2. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... go stick it! That is all!
  3. ^^ well said Rezz.... I wonder though... how many will actually take that advice.... it's a shame that a few minority will always ruin it for the majority.
  4. Jeez Robo, your chops just get better everytime. Actually the targa tops suits it well. Top stuff.
  5. mate I’m not flaming nor picking a fight, I was just trying to convey to you that in your last two posts you over reacted a tad and by what I perceived, almost challenged the rest of the forum to out do you in a knowledge battle. IMHO it came across a tad arrogant, but hey, It wouldn't be the first time I’ve miss read a post. Anyway, I'm glad there is peace. over and out...
  6. lol, always ready to lighten the mood... and I do vaguely remember him mentioning something about you... or it might have been red baron... hard to understand what he was saying with that heavy kraut accent :lol:
  7. So basically since you feel beaten in the argument by another about some facts, it’s your turn to try and bet the rest of the forum on stats and facts, so you can be big man on camps again? Why does it bother you so that someone thinks you got your stats from Zoom (which i think is a horrendous publication personally). Did you ever stop to think that people where giving you so much shit, not because you weren’t aware of the full history of the vehicle being discussed but by your attitude towards the entire matter? I’m sorry and I don’t want to be the one to tell you, but you didn’t come off in very good light in the argument that ensued in this thread. Well that’s my opinion anyway. I’m not trying to pick a fight or anything, I’m sure you could stun the pants off most of us with motor sporting history, I’m just calling it how I see it….. Roy’s quote is seems very much in context. And no offence but most people don't find it that impressive that you shook hands with Jack Brabham. I've shaken hands with Michael Schumacher and Nikki Lauder before... people still treat me the same after those incidents.
  8. omrae, if you would have read earlier in the thread, he does actually have the log books. and what I personally thought, was very concise and well presented facts about the vehicle in question. I found it too be very interesting and thank you fury 30 for coming on here to share this info with us. Ghostrider what are you trying to get at with this? are you still trying to stir the pot?
  9. yeah it was blown out of proportion... but it doesn't make it any less dangerous either... and well the constituants of sydney (well the masses that watch ACA) are quite willing to jump on the bandwagon and accuse a small minority of motorists (skyline owners) for all the bloody problems and deth tolls on our roads.... purly a scapegoat for the bigger issues on our roads.... the ever mounting stupidly placeed revenue raising machines... privatised roads that cost a fortune and are in substandard condition.... all other fatalities due not enough resources for appropriate driver training.... anyway you get what i mean...
  10. Archie@

    Photo Thread

    a few more close up shots of the car from the other day...
  11. Archie@

    Photo Thread

    nothing special just a few quick little shots i took in a moment of boredom. didn't have my tripod with me for the car shot so it's not as sharp as i'd like .... but i'll be taking a few more shots at my work car park later... the lighting is interesting in there...
  12. I'd like to hear about performance loss that apparently happens. If it's the case that there is a performance loss, then I stand corrected. As far as I’m aware you won't lose any performance, but at the same time you will only gain from the use of one if the car's engine is modified... and most of the gain will be in engine wear. Personally I think it just attracts the wrong type of attention (the fuzz), and isn't really needed for any sort of day to day driving. If you want to be seen... set that money aside for something visual (not that that’s my thing either).
  13. here's a "little" video i came across (81megs), but it shows exactly how drifting can be done. This is by far the most impressive video i've seen. This was not done by me unfortunatly.... but it's really worth the download and if your like me... it will inspire you to try drifting in game again.... http://www.fbidrift.com/video/bloody-drifting-2.wmv
  14. Cheers mate. BTW the Carbon R can be picked up at Amuse in the tuner village for about 250k credit.
  15. They are pretty hard to come by, you'll need something really solid for the event organisers to allow you out on to the track with a camera... it will need to be secured very well. Personally I'd go with a homemade job. There are a fair few places on the net that you can purchase from, but it will cost an arm and a leg... plus it will most likely come from overseas so it may not get here on time. Ask dark where he got his equipment, if I’m not mistaken video cameras have a similar mounting technique to normal cameras. If you have a roll cage, I'd be inclined to weld the top from a normal tripod onto the roll cage in that case... and possibly make a supporting frame or box for the camera so that it passes scrutineering at the pits...
  16. Seen a hot white V35 parked on military rd tonight... is that you Jimbo?
  17. here are a few more old shots i've got...
  18. cheers mate, it was a 2 minute job but I thought it was pretty decent, considering the time spent.
  19. Justinfox inspired me in a moment of bordom at work.... inital D style, my mate's wrx.... :lol:
  20. haha , not sure but if they are real cars, they deserve to be smashed. :lol:
  21. i like the new forum too.... fast edit is an aswome feature.... i want my member bar back I really like the colour scheme upgrade as well.. top stuff prank
  22. ossie_21, it's not easy to drift in GT4 but it is possible..... check out some of the GT4 videos posted here. Some of these guys are insane. I can manage to link a few corners but not really more than 3 or 4 before I come unstuck. It doesn’t really matter what car you choose as long as it's a rear wheeler and the power and suspension is adjusted appropriately. My preferred choice of weapon is usually the series 6 Bathurst RX7, Gallant VR-4 or my BMW M5. The Beemer is a big lard so it's easy to loose it around a corner as there is just a little to much weight to throw around. HR32_GTS-T, you need a USB flash card to get the pics, simply plug it into the PS2 copy the photos (in the "home" section of GT4 mode, and then plug into PC and copy them over.... they are saved in JPEG format. here is a shot of my Beemer...
  23. it's rotation blur, once you select it and it gives you a few options, you can switch it from rotation to zoom, which will give that effect...
  24. Heaps better Topaz... I like the 4 bottom row shots especially. Just another hint though, when you've taken the shot and go to save it, always select save straight to flash memory stick (as when you save to memory card and then copy across later to memory stick, it pixilates a tad). also there is an option to select "super fine" image quality. That will also help remove a few pixels.... But I love the angles and the shots are heaps better with a tad bit more light in them
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