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Everything posted by TIMMMAYYY

  1. I left school at the start of year 12 to become an apprentice mechanic at Prestige Walkerville, only to be shafted at three month probation. Jobless for two weeks, I went back to cleaning dishes at a local butcher (pocket money job after school for two years) who later offered me a job as an apprentice. I was a qualified butcher at 20y/o (21 now). After getting my hands dirty for three of a four years apprentiship ( got my trade after three years ), I hung up the mesh glove for some cleaner work in a hobby that I've been almost every weekend since I was 12. I now work at www.modelflight.com.au in our wholesale division. Best job in the world with decent pay, and I wouldn't change it for anything. My advice, study / do what you enjoy. Why study something when you are unsure if you'll like it? I'd take a good, low paying job anyday over a high paying job that I didn't like doing. Tim
  2. did she get defected at glenelg on the weekend?
  3. couple of pics of my 31 wagon
  4. nicely strung up last sentence andrew soo true.
  5. I dont believe it... must've been a diggi lookalike
  6. Deluxe - Your 33 looks UNREAL!
  7. Mid 15 1/4's were nothing spesh in the Type R's.
  8. i'll take some pics from work tomorrow for you if i remember.
  9. home made turbine hey? the turbine in my avatar is one thats specifically built for a r/c jet. you can come suss one out at my work if you want some inspiration!
  10. 1400R, did you even bother reading my posts?
  11. yea was a good day. the bluey wagon was ridiculously tuff.
  12. Didn't receive a call from the guy at the council today. Who would've guessed.
  13. i heard about this garbage a few years ago with chicks hair spray. either way, it doesn't work.
  14. hey chops! It was a two day thing, saturday and sunday. Strangely though, I didn't move the cars for sunday ( no where to put them ) and I didn't get fined. I hopefully might be able to get somewhere because of this. I rang the guy who wrote the letter at the council this morning (9am) who was a real smart arse and totally useless. Thankfully, his surname was the only one in the white pages. He was a total jerk and said to write another letter. I asked who to address it to and he said his team leader, so I asked to speak to him ( after i wasted 30 minutes telling this idiot why i shouldn't have to pay the fine ). He was out of the office so I asked to have him call me at work. No call all day, I rang again at 3pm left a message. Apparently was out of the office still. Will ring again tomorrow, because I doubt he'll call back. Tim
  15. fore-warned? I dont get the advertiser, sit down and drink tea while reading the "messenger" and one of the cars was parked on the road for two months without being moved without having a sticker, pamplet or whatever put on it about the upcoming restrictions. I guess the fairy's must have just whisked it away into the nearest bin or gutter... I shouldn't have to enquire about the signs, If i were so concerned I'd be on the phone to the council 24/7 asking about all the shit they are upto and never seem to get finished. Cop it on the chin though? I need a permit to park my own cars out the front of my own house? I'll be visiting the council guy tomorrow for a friendly chat. Andrew im not having a go at what you have said, but until you get shafted for something as stupid as this then you'd probably see a bit better where I am coming from.
  16. I'm pissed off. I live next to the airport where there were traffic restrictions for the opening of the international terminal. We have fives cars in our household. Three fit in the driveway, two on the street at all times. I got a fine on two cars for $48-ea because I have no where else to put them. How stupid is this!!! I immidiately called the council to which the chick on the phone said this shouldn't be a problem having removed. Apparently it is though? Some top shit mickey mouse f*ckwit sent me a letter today after I faxed him though a non violent letter because as could have clearly been seen by the bludgers who fined me, we had no where to put two of the cars other than on the road. In his letter he explained that the area was a " no stopping zone ". Council guys went around first thing that morning, before I was awake at 7am or there abouts and removed the plastic bags from over the signs ( put in place especially for the airport opening). So unaware what these signs were about (cos i dont read the garbage the council sends us...and cos my old girl reads it instead) I get up like always at the crack of dawn to see two of my cars have $48 fines. He claims that "rah rah rah flyers placed on all vehicles parked in the location on the days leading upto the operation of the parking restrictions" rah rah rah. Has anyone else copped the short end of the straw because some dipshit from the local council doesn't understand your point of view? Sorry for the rant, but I'm pretty f*cked off with this. Can anyone see any reason as to why I should have to foot the bill? The rest of my family is overseas and has been for near four weeks, so as if I am going to read the council garbage. My letter box says no junk mail. Tim
  17. young stevie, before it costs you a mint, have Boostworx pull the RB20 out and drop an RB30 in.
  18. omfg. whatsisname is alive!
  19. I saw that thing too sammy at the bay, appeared stock but very nice none the less. wasn't johns, his is in sydney and rego was different
  20. owned
  21. i'll be throwing a 2.7meter r/c glider off a cliff near victor on saturday, and have a wedding on sunday. monday i dunno
  22. the GTR is Keirs isn't it? Has the Willall Sticker on it
  23. Cubes would probably do it for a few $
  24. this is why you ask about price and availability.
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