I left school at the start of year 12 to become an apprentice mechanic at Prestige Walkerville, only to be shafted at three month probation. Jobless for two weeks, I went back to cleaning dishes at a local butcher (pocket money job after school for two years) who later offered me a job as an apprentice. I was a qualified butcher at 20y/o (21 now). After getting my hands dirty for three of a four years apprentiship ( got my trade after three years ), I hung up the mesh glove for some cleaner work in a hobby that I've been almost every weekend since I was 12. I now work at www.modelflight.com.au in our wholesale division.
Best job in the world with decent pay, and I wouldn't change it for anything.
My advice, study / do what you enjoy. Why study something when you are unsure if you'll like it? I'd take a good, low paying job anyday over a high paying job that I didn't like doing.