Ive been reading through forums and seen a bit about window tinting and seems to be alot of confusion. Maybe i can help a little seeing as its my trade.
Laws in NSW state you can have 35% film, which means 35% of uv light gets in, on your car. Its LEGAL to have all of the sides of the car and the rear screen tinted. Its totally ILLEGAL to have your front windscreen tinted. Sun strips aka the piece at the top of the window is LEGAL aslong as its no bigger then 10% of the size of the window from top to bottom.
There is alot of confusion about this 1993/1994 law... i dont even no what year it is but have herd its actually 1989, might do some research into this, the law then was you could have 35% on your front two windows, being the drivers door and passengers doog, and anything behind them as dark as you want.
What to look for when looking to tint your car.. First thing you should ensure is the film you will be receiving is a FULL METAL film, this will ensure it WILL NOT FADE, BUBBLE, OR CHANGE COLOUR. Make sure your film comes with a written warranty, some may not if its darker then legal. Make sure you request it to be custom fit, this means the film is specificly cut for your car, not off a template, this is to ensure you have no GAPS on any window including the top edge. Make sure your getting a 1piece back window, no join lines on the back window where your will see them in 12months time, please note not all cars can have 1 piece back window if there too curvey.
When cleaning the windows on the inside DO NOT USE amonia based window cleaners, aka windex, read the label. You will need a ALCHO based cleaner.
Any questions or anything feel free to ask and i shall answer if i no the answer, if not i shall ask around...