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Everything posted by skyline34circuit

  1. i have a gtt diff in my car atm and speedo and abs dont work . i found out that the tone wheel is incorrect and will never work anyone know any other idea then just swaping diffs to s15 or swap centres . any way of keeping this diff on and rewire differently or anything? my old auto diff has one abs sensor at the front but now this gtt one has 2 at the rear . any other way of fixing it abs symbol is one i tried to swap from them 2 that came with diff to the auto one and made the speedo stay at 0 and make a abs symbol when i have the 2 sensors on the speedo works and flickered at 40ks but and my abs was going off tap activating after a brake a bit harder
  2. sorry the wreckers i bought the pedal sold me a r32 gtr pedal LOL cheers for the help tho
  3. i have a full r33 kit for a r34 4 door but the r33 pedal dont fit on my car i have no idea why any ideas?
  4. what do u guys think? coilpack loom or?
  5. i just had a look at the loom and it looks like its been tampered with previous owner. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/988452_10152347566751683_5534758733140824278_n.jpg
  6. r34 rb25de neo engine coilpacks have inbuild igniter dont they? it must be the coilpack loom yea?
  7. i have scanned my car code 21: ignition signal circuit (0 starts ago) replaced coilpacks and nothing changed just engine icon there and my car misfires like hard sounds like a tractor for a good 5 minutes then it goes away and its fine but engine icon is still on dash anyone help?
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