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The real NISMO1

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  1. My mistake, I thought it was the same bloke you were talking about, same car different owner. I had better make sure before the job starts to find out exactly what I need for the box and diffs. Usually with oil changes I do not bother and just let them do what they want, but since I will have a lot of torque and not changing the box, I want whatever can help.
  2. What a DH, get something that was working and go back to a product that you were having the trouble with ?????????
  3. Been having a look at it, sounds like they have lubs for most applications By the way Mick, thanks for your input for my build,all sorted and most parts are in and just about ready to go ahead with the job in a couple of weeks I will post the results. Cheers
  4. Thanks Mick, does it help absorb some of the stress.I have read that different lubs can help the box and diffs much better than others ??
  5. 4 years later,why not! I love it, great as a DD I do not like soft tops but I still think a Black R34 would look shit hot as a convertible, wonder how much it would cost to get a good job done and keep it tough? Keep your pants on Jace
  6. Build starting soon and staying with the R34GTR box, what is the best lubricant for them. Is there one that stands out?
  7. I went with Just Cars, agreed value $45k, 1999 R34GTR with mods , $1900. I have 2 cars insured through them , 1 driver but no discounts available.. About to spend a heap on a build and I doubt if I can insure it for any more if I wanted to. I have a ***** star driving record and accident free, live in a safe area,car in a garage,no track work and an old bloke to boot that does not put a lot of Klms on a year, shat a young bloke that tracks must pay a fortune. Tried Shannons before with my 350GT, about $400 more. I will try some of the others Terry mentioned at renewal.
  8. Well Paul I have made it to page 20/ 6 Months in and panic is starting to set in thinking about getting my build done,haha
  9. Thanks Mick, been having a look, lots going on in there, I think I will croak before I finish reading it all,haha
  10. Paul do you have your build specs and photos of your car anywhere on SAU, I would like to see what you have in it and a look at your car. Pete
  11. Yeh , had a few blokes talking up their driving skills and I gave them a drive when I first got it home, they could not get it going to get into second, made me feel a bit better after my drive home from Sydney when I bought it,1 1/2 hours in peak hour traffic,F, it was less than a fun drive in your new car,haha The OS triple was an expensive exercise for you but I guess you were giving it heaps and loving it at the time My Quad is OK as a DD now with the changes I have made but from what the boys have said and what you have experienced I would be stupid not to have the clutch changed while I a having the build done. Trouble is now I have to wait to get it done
  12. Hi Richard, you have the Super coppermix C twin? I found as my mods started to give the car some torque/response, the OS Giken Quad clutch became much easier to use as a DD and I have no doubt it will be even better after the stroker build BUT from what the blokes have said that have a similar set up, I would be nuts not to get a quality sprung twin clutch that will be more forgiving on the box. I will have to think of selling off the leftovers, the RB26 block, the motor mods and clutch have only 3500Klms, forged internals etc and I do not want to bring any of them back home with me. So once I know what is coming off I will go to the for sales thread.
  13. You certainly know how to stop a thread Mick,haha
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