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About Jiimmii

  • Birthday 30/09/1995

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    1993 r33 gtst
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  1. blue mountains, r33 gtst s1.
  2. Picking up new engine tomorrow! Should hopefully be back in for this cruise!! Fingers crossed! I love wisemans!
  3. Mate I know this, just saying if he has to change stuff there's some options, And yes I know pods are a defect but it's not hard to weld up a custom air box to house the pod! Or even buy one. And altho the blocked of bov sounds stupid, for a p plater new to the scene, to all there's friends it makes an impression, and being a rb20 why care what damage it does Just like the internal gate screamer pipe, they sound like shit to anyone who has a externally gated one, but to someone who has never owned a skyline/ turbo car before it sounds pretty cool.
  4. I'm replacing all 6 pistons to be safe, aswell as the bottom end bearrings etc, I said hone/ sleave as my mate said the he was unsure what needs to be done just gave me a rough idea, I'm gunna go down Monday to further enquire, from the shop. I'll be getting the head skimmed to remove the det and polishing, replacing seals to suit the fresh bottom end, aswell as acid bathed block etc etc, full rebuild using stock internals Didn't think I needed to go into further detail, just wanted to say it's not as bad as I thought and thankyou for putting up with my stupid newbness, thinking forged or dirty thirty had to be done!
  5. Hey guys, had a mate come by to check it out, he reckons it's not that bad and with a hone/ sleave and skim, new rings, couple new pistons and get it decked, I'll be back on the road! Sorry for the newbness, but thanks for the help.
  6. Wasn't in my car. 33's not stock but 100% legal
  7. I might sell ya my 25det head, has a bit of det but can be fixed, has adjustable cam gear, the rest is all stock, 163713k's, was going to use it for my 2530 build, but wouldn't mind just getting back on the road
  8. Where you you from? Have you looked on gumtree? There's a whole 2530 conversion on gumtree, comes with vls2 engine, rb25det neo head, few other bits and pieces, there's even a 25det motor on ebay for like 500 bucks has low comp but only need the head,
  9. And never think cops don't know what's going on under the hood, I learnt the hard way, not all of them do but there's the risk you'll get the one who does, if ya wanna get away with it do it right, although I'm legal to drive turbo they still like to pull me over and try and find anything to defect me..
  10. Why not just drive it how it is, block of the bov add a pod filter, to get the fluttering sorta sound, leave the rest stock besides rims maybe a steering wheel etc, being a p plater you don't want to attract the wrong attention, and the rb20 has enough power for a p plater. While ya wait for ya blacks build a mild or wild 2530 or 2630 if ya got that kinda coin. I'm a p plater myself from nsw and I had to get an exemption to drive my 33 gtst.. And it sits in the backyard
  11. Hey guys going to pick up a series 2 vl block tomorrow for my r33, and the bloke reckons it's got stock s2 pistons with cut outs to suit the rb25head, I've tried searching but havent found anything about cutting down stock pistons, only swapping them out or decking, can this be done and I've found a good deal? Or is he talking crap to try flog it off quick. Or have a I confused myself and by cutting down he means it's been decked already?
  12. So basically I either forge it or swap out fir a new and engine or just fix the head and do a 25/30, sell off my bottom end real cheap if I can.
  13. Quick pic of the car when I got it
  14. 5 has marks around it
  15. I'll get a pic up soon, but looks fine no metal shavings no dents marks , valves all look fine, all seem to be sealed
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