ok couple of Q's about trackdays
1 oil - i am currently on time for an oil change, should i change before the event or after.
2 - brake pads, how do you check, dino said in the faq that they should have more than half left.
3 tyres - i mentioned in another thread a while ago that i would like to get out there on my current tyres (close to shagged, still good for the road but not for too long) and learn what the track is all about before going out there with brand spanking new tyres and chewing them up, but i read just then in the faq that they might not pass me and let me drive if they're no good.. i dont wanna trek all that way and have to turn around cause of tyres
4 - and most inportantly how do i insure that i dont Bman my motor, it seems in good nick and compressions fine and all, what should i look for to see if it should be able to handle it?