sweet.. the only thing i'm confused about is when i bought the car the dude gave me the comliance sheet showing everything that was done when it origianlly came and it said that it was built early-mid 1994
i was a bit cranky as the point of sale was that it was a 1995 car but he said its a 95 model just built in 94
didn't the s1 come with an airbag too?
i have one i just didnt think that it was only available in the 1.5 and then the dual in s2
I have heard that some of the 95 models are series 1.5,
think i have one myself, just wanting to clarify
mine has (or had before i was forced to change a few thnigs)
series 2 coils, AFM, Wiring harness
anything else that anyone else has?
seen this b-man???
UAS site, nismo.com.au
click on parts/accessories/ turbos
3rd one down
have a feeling its merli's old one but having never seen his nor met him i am not too sure.