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Everything posted by Jimbo2000

  1. :wavey: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=22444
  2. on a side note, which is more accurate the pfc or the speedo needle? mine has differences at speeds over 100
  3. I've got E-boost as well looks schmick and you can run different boost in every gear, dunno if other EBC's let you do this but i think its a pretty cool function
  4. they would be alright to use to change a set of sparkplugs wouldnt they, its not exactly a field that needs to be done by a serious workshop also what do you suggest, i know its been brought up a lot, i think i'll steer clear of the iridiums as they just aren't quite worth the money i've heard to use NGK race (coppers) or should i be safe and use platinums? thanks in advance
  5. :thumbdwn: to splinter cell really looking forward to it and found it terribly slow and boring only made it to the oil rig when i gave up
  6. saw an ad the other night but only paid attention to the last bit, it looked to me a mixture between mobil1 and magnatech (neil voice) anyone seen or use it?
  7. High Performance Imports magazine issue number 33 has a comprehensive guide of what to look for when buying a skyline i would suggest getting your hands of that and have a good read and MAKE SURE MAKE SURE MAKE SURE you get the car checked out by a mechanic (preferably a workshop which deals with skyline a lot) it will only cost a a few hundred bucks at most and could save you thousands... learn from my mistakes
  8. the model would be a rb25det and i THINK the engine number is in the far wall of the engine bay on a plaque, you know, where the windscreen ends. definately go a skyline over an fto, if you do a search there was recently a simalar question comparing them obviously biased but you're on a skyline site dunno about the instument cluster, sure a auto elec could fix that right up easily but again not too sure
  9. thanks for the reply man yeah i'm over 200 at the moment and its calling for a high flow due to restriction, capable of a lot more. a few more mods and we'll be looking at 250. so the 7.5 is the goer, sweet cheers
  10. lol at first i thought you were considering a swap go for it, shouldnt have any power issues, if you dont plant it in these thing they are not that scary especially with an auto, both you and her will love it i'm 6"2 and have no issues at all with headroom, had a mate who is around 6"5 or more in the front seat and he was sweet too, just dont get one with a sunroof cause they are even lower treat it with respect and it will be a very reliable car
  11. whats the right volume for a tuned gtst 5.9 or 7.5litre i've heard the 7.5 is more commonly used on gtrs but do they also go well on powerful gtsts over 200rwkws or stick to the 5.9? thanks
  12. which is better? i see pros and cons with all of them shock: pros, will tell you if someone kicks your car, breaks your window, tries to jack it up cons sparkplug ceramic trick on windows will not shock it enough, annoying if a car with a loud exhaust drives by. interior microwave: pros,will detect if someone actually gains entry to cabin cons dosnt stop someone jacking up, kicking etc external microwave: Pros will detect someone lurking around, jacking etc a nuicance if people are simply walking past ???? tell me your experiences, without going into details of your own system of course.
  13. appriciate the input buddy
  14. yeah fair enough that was called for, sorry tanghy
  15. cant give you anything specific bro but i have heard that the PFC option is not as good as going a stand alone unit.
  16. i wasnt there when they figured it out but i think i remember them saying that it didnt start. could have been a one off thing though, my car was pretty fooked
  17. actually it was strange, bought the car a little while ago S1, when i went to have the pfc put in they found out the coil packs in my car were from a S2, the pfc was meant for a S! so had to replace coil packs.
  18. s1 and 2 are different, different coil packs, some will work with both, mine didnt.
  19. yeah, i am happy hwith them for the moment and wont be changing till i need to, just started wondering when i heard they were an inferior brand but they feel real good and thats all that matters to me.
  20. a mate of mine told me that hancook dont make very good tires, bought the car with them fitted and they have heaps of tread left and are 235s so i think theyre just fine but has anyone heard anything bad about them the model name is ventus
  21. so are the UAS ones legal? i am thinking of getting one. another workshop near there make a SERIOUS one for like 500
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