i made sure nobodys going to pop my baby's cherry, i took care of it myself, rather that than raped, plus i bought it dinner and a drink first
love to, bit too much right now, unless you can find me one for like a couple of hundred bux but i think this will be the answer to that.....:talk2hand
Private sale here man
really happy with it
there is however a small dent on the bonnet and another on the front right guard which brought the price down a bit but thats getting taken care of this week or sometime soon.
cheers benm.
yeah i'll probably be doing that, probably not next weekend though, my 21st (yay)
but yeah i gotta check out your new car, gotta have all these silver beasts together
well the long wait is over and i am now the proud owner of a beautiful 95 33 GTSt :uh-huh:
had one of the best weekends of my life just learning how she goes, and the handling... DAMN!
Anyway hope to meet up with you all soon
raven shield thats the one, heard it on the radio and been going insane trying to think of it.
course i could have just looked it up but i'm a lazy lazy man
lol at double lines bit
Its 90 there cause its a black zone (i think) lots of big accidents there when it was 110. bit silly but there is a camera there!
Toad only available in NZ
an email from them:
You should be able to get a similar product from your local car tint
shop. Ask for DTI 100 micron security film.