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Everything posted by MathewZ

  1. Wouldnt a bleed valve be more reliable. as over time wouldnt the spring inside a Turbotechs MBC would slowly loose tension. therfore changing boost pressure without adjusting, im not speeking of like 2 weeks but like over 1-2 years. would it not loose tension.?
  2. But hows your fuel economy running that much all day ery day? was only thinking for it as i want to be able to say run 8pound then when i feel a bit naughty switch it to 12(different turbo) 18-20. as im at talks with a local tuner for future modifications. Decided to get new OEM replacement coilpacks through my tuner as he recomended them as being as good as splitfires and sees no problems with them running the type of power im cahsing. and the extra $$$ i spend on splitfires could go towards other things. So picking up a turbosmart Tee to fiddle with the boost a little. not going to go over 10 but atleast i can run 8pound allways without doing the cheap 8pound permanent fix. by grounded the solonoids earth wire. Picking one up for $50 tomorrow. also a 42mm second hand but in good nic alloy radiator. so will be able to chuck my Blue silicone hoses on too. haha. What are peoples thaughts on running 10pound untuned ive seen mixed results. varying from car ran perfect no hassles what so ever. to some having slight problems. will be no updates for 2 weeks after this post as im goign into surgery this friday. and will be out of action for 2 ish weeks. atleast ill have some goodies to put on when i get better. Pictures to come when purchased. just casue i love sharing
  3. Awesome build man just spent the past 40-1 hour reading through your thread. haha love what youve done with it looks tuff as. must be happy with how tis goin.
  4. So been having a lot of issues with my speedo lately. The other day when i was driving along at 80 all of a sudden bam no speedo. hit the cluster a bit made the speedo go up then down again then not at all nothing. pulled over, shut the engine off waited 5 minutes turned back on, and nothing. So tried resetting the trip computer. may have worked? didnt though haha. so drove slowly back to work. to pull all the surround off. i found some screws on the back of the cluster loose tightened them up went for a drive seemed to of fixed it. and just 3 days ago again bam lost speedo. pulled it all apart again. checked my plugs all contacts seem in good condition. and again the screws were loose again. screwed them all abck up. mind you my dash doesn't vibrate at all so dont see why there going loose. also i took 2 pictures of my cluster. Looks to me like theres atleast 8-10 screws missing and 2 bulbs. not sure if this is normal or not. anyone can ilaberate maybe if they are pretty familiar with the S2 cluster haha? heres 2 pictures.
  5. hey man awesome build. will be following.
  6. Nice build mate. following this one. im building a 33 aswell but going to be much slower as to yours. Have you done any track days with the 42mm alloy radiator do better than stock. any problems? hows the relocation kit gone got pics of it installed.?
  7. Thought so just didnt wanna sound dumb by saying were they for Ls like ls1 ls2 ect haha. thanks man. so i guess its an option but only if done neatly otherwise will look messy. may i ask why you went with LS if you had perfectly fine ones? P.S does the factory harness need to be re wired and LS plugs to be bought ect. or are they a good option as there plug straight in?
  8. So on the weekend i bought a couple of things. a boost gauge and pod. I decided to mount it on the A-pillar. run the vacuum line from the factory boost gauge vacuum line. Td into that. and wired it all up to the cigaret lighter wires. for light and ground ran a separate constant power for the Ram to remember which color is set. I think its mounted in a good spot Also as i didnt replace my fuel filter the other day i replaced that also. i must say those fuel lines are so hard to get off. haha. Few questions for maybe some well known members that know alot fo trouble shooting for skylines. got a missfire at 4500 RPms i changed my plugs. didnt fix it, yesterday i pulled the coils back off cleaned them up and put Di Electric silicone compound on the inside of the boots ect. may of helped a bit but not really still at 4500-5000 the missfire jumps in. afm is in good condition. thaught maybe it was a fuel restriction due to the fuel filter. not knowing when it was last changed. but that didnt fix it today. you guys recon its coilpacks? If so whats the best option to go. OEM Splitfires. Ive heard of LS coils what are these? a cheaper good option where do i get them what are they called? much appreciated guys. thanks.
  9. was thinking of getting the rear muffler cut off and replaces with 4" drift style Tips. when i get the Dump/front pipe and hi flow cat. Think there called blast pipes.
  10. Just a rear end shot. and that big nasty muffler haha.
  11. Hey guys so this is the car i baught 1 week ago. currently got a nissan r33 1993 gts as my daily as im a P Plater in Victoria But baught this 96 gtst for 5k on the weekend. needs a few little things other than that im in love. list further down of everything that ill be doing. This is the day i drove it home. misses drove my gts to get me up there. Model Skyline R33 series 2 Heres 2 quick photos i took of it this morning. The car is completely stock apart from a pod filter and cat back exhaust the previous owner had fitted. Engine bay shot. He also gave me a 13 silicone hose kit. but i could only find 1 hose apart from the 2 radiator ones that actually fitted. as you can see. so looks stupid. plan on doing the cheap quick free mod on the weekend. with the boost controller by putting a ground switch in the cab so if i want it to full boost straight away isntead of waiting till 4500. i switch the switch. In need of replacing my coilpacks as they missfire past 4500. tried replacing sparks helped alot but missfires still there. so gonna try recondition them on the weekend clean out and put some dielectric compound on the rubbers ect see if ti fixes it if not splitfires it is. Just serviced it last weekend. Spark plugs oil filter oil fuel filter and re mounted the pod as the previous owner broke the bracket and thaught itd be good for me to drive it home without a filter on. dick head.... had it zip tied for the drive home ahha. will be doing stuff to this neally every week-2 weeks so thread will eb updated regularity. any suggestion ect are welcome. My wants are a return flow cooler. power FC (or any other respectable plug in replacement ecu. pump the PSi up to 11-12. further down the track i want to get the direct replacement hiflowes from hypergear i think its called. getting a bellmouth dump/front pipe fitted with a hi flow cat within the next few weeks also. cant wait. need to get rid of the huge cannon on the back though.
  12. did u sell coilpacks? if not inbox me please cash waiting
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