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Everything posted by yoshiii335

  1. Ive thought about that but the cost of legally doing that here in Japan, the price is crazy. Have to go thru special registration, cost of having it put in, wiring, and pay extra money and have it re-inspected, etc. Also my road tax will almost triple. The shop I spoke with about tuning the car once I decide what to do, suggested a 2.4 litre kit with a rb26 crank. So I might just go 320-350 hp, and see how that is. If I want more than I will research more and maybe do the 2.4 litre kit. Also I wasn't planning to buy a larger throttle body. I see them often over here on the car parts sites for the rb engines so I was wondering if anyone actually changed theirs.
  2. Ok, cool. I have an idea now. Maybe I should pressure test mine before I decide to use it before the upgrades.
  3. oy, if you dont have anything positive to say, just be gone now will ya!
  4. Thank you. I was waiting till I was ready for the stage of saving up to buy the turbo before asking more questions. I will start saving now.
  5. Ok for those sizes I understand But the intercooler I have now, any guess from anyone about how much power I can put thru it until I have to change it?
  6. Hello I would like to know when it is good to change the thottle body to a larger one on a car? I have a r32 gts-t I will build up to 400 hp. Do I need to do it for that?
  7. Haha If you click on it the picture enlarges. I will try to get a closer picture.
  8. Thanks I found a way to link my FB picture of it. It does not have a name on it. Dont know it has worn off or not.
  9. Ok I think this should work. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203704850013121&set=pb.1573802608.-2207520000.1424919624.&type=3&theater Here is a link to a picture of the car and intercooler.
  10. Do you know how to post pictures on this forum?
  11. So for 400hp if I am only driving mostly on the street, my intercooler should be fine?
  12. Hello Dont know how to post a pic, tried to link my Facebook but doesnt work.
  13. Hello I have a front mount return flow intercooler on my r32 GTS-T. It came with the car and I do not know the maker. It is not as big as a regular front mount intercooler. What hp are return flow front mount intercoolers generally good for? My goal is 400 hp for my car.
  14. Hello I am ready to begin saving to buy a bigger turbo for my R32 GTS-T. I asked a few months ago and I was suggest to try hi flow with Hyper Gear or similar company, GTRS, or one of the new Garrett turbos(dont remember which one). My goal is 400hp. I want a responsive street car that will go on the highway and sometimes go to the track(no racing). But street car is the main. Is it still a good choice to go with hi flowing a rb20 or rb25 turbo? Or should I look at something else?
  15. Hello I am looking for some shocks for my R32 GTS-T. Please help me understand the values and stats when choosing shocks. I keep my car lowered just a little bit. I run 17 in wheels. I want to have shocks good for street driving and sometimes on a track. But I want as much comfort as possible. What numbers do I need to look for on the shocks? Such as spring rate, damper height, etc.
  16. How do you know what I am going to do? I asked one question and you asume I am not planning on anything else? OK so power and response for pro. Thanks
  17. Hello What are the pros and cons of porting a RB20 Det head and keeping a stock bottom?
  18. Why the bad rep with MINES? Ive never heard anything bad about them except their high prices here in Japan.
  19. Its not a cheap approach, I came into these items. I was actually searching for a affordable tuning computer or maybe going to MINES. I will probably stick with a Nismo Clutch, that was the plan
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