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About Godfoot

  • Birthday 18/04/1984

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  1. I can only imagine it did go for a song, Sadly we never really get back what we put in to them. However, That is part of the hobby The new owner is one lucky man! he caught a prize winning beauty. I'm sure she is even more stunning in person. I thought I saw a post not to long ago from someone on here that said they had bought it. Hmmm. I think it was in the pictures thread.
  2. This Is a Helluva Build!! Can't wait to see what you do with it next!! WOW!! Awsome Work!!!
  3. I know its not in the dash, but I mounted mine on the top of the steering column in my Supra and on the Bottom side of my dashboard in my ER34. In my 34 I had installed it in the small compartment on the lower right side of the dashboard. IDK if the C34 has that but if it does, my Profec fit perfectly, all I had to to was drill a small hole in the back for the wires. Or you could mount in the position that the turbo timer is mounted in this celica. Clean accessible, but not clearly visible from outside the car. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Awsome Thread!! Great work on the Stag!! Can't wait to see more!!
  5. This Car Looks Amazing... Holy Picture quality batman!! GLWS This Stag Is an AMAZING Beauty!! WOW!! I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I wasn't land locked in Chicago...
  6. Yea absolutely!! I'm really hoping we will see more, I would love to get my hands on one!! Thanks for the welcome!! I really appreciate it!! I'm hoping they will become a bit less uptight with the emissions requirements Yea those are nice!! They are rare here too!! I would send you guys cars at our prices if I could!! MY GOD!!! I can't believe that!! I can't imagine how hard you guys have to work!! So much respect!!!
  7. Oh My! Well Then I need to stop being so poor!! I didn't know they were that costly in Australia!! Even more respect to you guys for working so hard!!
  8. Honestly my friend, I wouldn't be sure where to start as far as what I would need to bring one over, I know the US has the most obsurd import regulations. My R34 that I had was a complete nightmare, and as such I was never able to drive it for more than a year without have to re-register it to skate around emissions requirements, if it doesn't have the "correct" diagnostic port, they won't even test it. And also for me as of late, money has been very tight. I found one in Canada, a Black Autech 260RS. I would kill to own it, but they want A LOT for it. so until I find one cheap enough that I can afford to buy it, I figured I can just share My Stagea love here!! not unless you all want to send me one piece by piece through the post LOL here's the link for the one I found, http://www.tyeeimports.com/jdm-cars-for-sale/japanese-import-car.asp?ProductID=897&Title=1998 -Nissan-Stagea Autech 260RS'>http://www.tyeeimports.com/jdm-cars-for-sale/japanese-import-car.asp?ProductID=897&Title=1998 -Nissan-Stagea Autech 260RS They are asking $13K Canadian, roughly $12K US. A little rich for my blood, plus US banks would never give a loan for a car that old
  9. Awsome Thread!!! Can't wait to see more!!!
  10. So I joined this forum specifically to come here and tell you all what beautiful Stageas you all have. I have never read through 112 pages of pure jealousy before!! I only wish I Could have a Stagea here in the US. But until I find a way to get one, I shall just live vicariously through all and contribute what I can! Cheers!
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