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Everything posted by SECURITY

  1. ive got that too. and my mate's dad works for a tool supplier and has every tool available. even has a ratchet rebuild kit.
  2. haha yeah, i run the channel now. meggala used to, but then he went away to a far and distant magical land. so it got handed down to me. get joo asses in thurrrr.
  3. how about an intro on welding by whoever knows how? then stickying them. id really like some general knowledge but im too lazy to do a course or anything. and a big disclaimer would be good. 'IF YOU BLOW YOURSELF UP OR BREAK SOMETHING DONT BLAME US' just a few suggestions.
  4. *unzips for steve*
  5. most relocater kits allow for temperature and pressure senders. you'll just have to ask. if you're not getting a kit, just get a sandwich plate from justjap for $30. make sure you use thread tape though.
  6. for those who dont know... you can get mIRC >> HERE << (just right click and save as). click on austnet in the server box, then type: /join #skylinesaustralia
  7. im in. its an information night Jordan, im very sure everyone is welcome.
  8. yep, its Austnet, channel is #skylinesaustralia im on there all the time.
  9. my cousin lives in miranda.. its like my 2nd home, does that count?
  10. get his full name. if you cant find his details in the phone directory, pass it on to me and ill get you what you need.
  11. must be a homo thing then.
  12. ill need both hands
  13. with a good tune rb25's can take up to 280-290 fairly comfortably. ive seen some go higher than that but personally thats where id draw the line.
  14. go ask her why she put them. i haven't seen any on a good sort's car to want to ask yet.
  15. they're there to catch as much oil as possible.
  16. its not the oil pressure, but the oil feed thats the problem. get a line made up from pirtek or some other braided line manufacturer with a 1-1.5mm restriction in the banjo fitting. it should cost around $80-$100 to get made. just give them your old oil feed line + banjo bolts and they'll get the new line to match.
  17. buy a house (residential home loan), rent it out to someone you know for 6 months (off the books ofcorse). you need to live in the place for 6 months before you get your first home owners grant so renting it off the books counts as you living in it. thats 7k from the government + someone helping you pay off your home loan for 6 months. then do what you like with the 7k.
  18. haha this thread has boomed. im so glad im not the only one who wants to get stabby with these f**kers. im gonna ask what the flowers mean next time i see one on a car. i WILL get to the bottom of this.
  19. spotted norm AGAIN. i was in the fish and chip shop next to kfc and tc brothers on canterbury rd. i saw you at the lights. i was too stuffed to walk at that point.
  20. yep, its an auto tranny cooler. as long as you've got a breather on the catch can as well as the other pipe thats on the exhaust side blocked off (the one with 2 coming out of it) you should have no problems.
  21. im pretty sure its not a chick thing.. ive seen dudes have it on their cars too. i reckon its a cult where they've all strapped c4 to their cars and at the same time they'll all blow themselves up and every time they see someone else with a flower on their car they give each other the nod cause theyre so cool. damn hippies. ill get to the bottom of this.
  22. i see them everywhere stuck on the windows of cars. what are they? what do they do? why are they there? what do they represent? why flowers? why yellow? whose your daddy?
  24. how do you even say that? onestly? did you make that up? i bet you did. and what does 'i THINK i DEFINITELY' mean? if u gna cum to dis flamin mongrelry lern 2 speek da propa england ya bloody immigant. why do you always need confirmation? 2 turbo specialists told you your turbo was rooted. your cylinder pressure is good AND you got oil in your cooler piping.
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