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Rb26 intermittent miss, runs a bit off. Sarted after driving in heavy rain. Hey everyone. Im a bit stumped and perplexed at this point. I have a 99 stagea 260rs. It has an apexi power fc, other wise stock engine. Anyways i went with a friend to go look at a cheap Delica an hour away on the weekend, on the drive back it was a nasty downpour. I noticed when i took over driving the engine sounded a bit off at idle when i stopped to switch seats with my friend. Got home and when holding the revs at 2-3k rpms a noticeable intermittent miss occurs. At idle the car sounds off, almost more of a honda sound with a rice can, same as revving under load it has a riced out honda sound (as funny as that sounds). This all happened after driving in really heavy rain for over an hour. It's also revving just bit higher as well. I noticed the commander will say 900 rpms for current revs while the tach reads about 1050. It sounds like a bit faster idle as well Only 2ks ago i put in new plugs ngk bcpr7eix, and put on super spark coil packs when i got the car. I was thinking a plugin or coil pack got wet. After the rain i have gone and pulled any plug i could find including the ignitor, and dryed with compressed air then applied dielectric grease to each plug as well. No difference. I pulled all the coilpacks and even pulled a plug. I bought new coppers to run, but after pulling the new irdium plugs i decide dto keep them in there as no evidence of of foul plugs was present. The plug looked in great shape and no coil packs or plugs were wet. I installed my old set of stock coilpacks and no difference either. I can hear a noticeable miss from each cylinder when i pull each coil pack plug as well so its not one individual/constant miss. I have a friend with a spare igniter that i am going to try as well. I'm not really sure what next to do. I also checked the wiring but didnt seem to notice anything change while checking the ignition harness and plugins. I was thinking fuel but i dont think so as im not getting a knock but it could be fuel im not sure. The fuel filter is fresh as well but i can change that too. When i was going through the apexi fc commander i noticed that the second O2 sensor is sending no voltage or 0.04V so im guessing that's gone. I don't know if that would cause the miss tho. There is an aftermarket grounding kit that goes to the ignitor as well. I had to put on larger north american terminals and can't get the greatest contact but after adjusting he grounding kit there was no difference. Any ideas would be appreciated. I'm a bit stumped and i was considering selling my stagea then this develops. Thanks!
We tested them off of a video testing r32 coil packs for resistance. The plugs I got are bcpr7eix so they are already gapped to 0.8mm. The miss is at any rev, just more noticeable at 1500 and not as noticeable over 2000. Tho i may pick up a set of coil packs to be safe. Thanks ill try the cas and been waiting to get a friends shop to do a pressure test. It runs better after the vaccum lines and spark plugs but still misfires. The 4wd light keeps coming on and in a few other cases it had to do with a faulty tps?
spark plugs have changed to a ngk bcpr7eix from a cheap coppr plug. Still hasn't fixed the miss. It's really noticeable above idle. Holding it at 1500 rpms in neutral you can hear the pop from the miss and the you can fell the steering wheel shake from the vibration of the miss. I'm not sure what my options are left to me. I did the plugs, checked the coil packs and ignitor. I'm going to test the injectors and the tps. Tho I'm not sure if either one would give me the miss? The 4wd light has started to come one and the front torque gauge wont read. I've read that the tps failing or over volting can cause issues with the injectors and everything else. I'm not sure tho if it would attribute to the miss
Well i got the plugs ordered. I checked all the coil packs with a friend. All coils were at the 0.9 ohms mark, the ignitor passed the test when checking for resistance and then no resistance/open line. We only took the back plug off for now and it looked in good shape tho it was gapped around the 1.0mm mark, and was copper. The miss at 1500 was still noticeable and present. I'm going to try and retest the coil packs before the plugs get here on Thursday. In a few weeks i should have the data loggit and can pull off any codes from there as well... I came across a vacuum line attached to the head that looked like it went to the stock boost gauge sensor? It was unattached and was sucking in air. Im also going to replace all my vacuum lines whni do the plugs as they were all britttle and i could hear a noticeable exhaust or vacuum leak
Thanks breaker Very obvious. After spending the amount i did and picking it up from port i didn't want to blow it up after the first day. After i seen the cel flash i didn't try to do any pulls or drive it hard. I only hit boost once in a tunnel to try and hear the cel/miss Will the datalogit work as good as the fc controller? There is a tuner that a couple of my friends use just an hour from town. He's willing to take a look at it if i get a cable and software The knock threshold would explain the noise as well? Thanks. I do all the basics when picking up a car from port (third for me) Just haven't got a chance yet. I can only get 94 in my province and even country. Most guys here will tune for 91/shell v power as even 94 can be scarce especially heading east or west or north.... I'm not one for adding octane booster I will report back.
I will state that i have spent a good while searching the forums before posting this. I just picked up my 99 stagea 260 rs from port on Monday and drove it the 9xx kms home Tuesday. Turns out it was overfuelling pretty bad in pulls from 1-3 gears. I didn't try any other pulls as we took it easy on the way back. So didn't realize until we were 2 hours away from the city and tuning shops. At full boost it makes a ping/miss, it was hard to hear in the car with windows up but almost like a sputtering or metal rattling sound when in a tunnel, was going to blame fuel but it wasn't detonating and i was running 94 oct. The cel was flashing as well when it hit full boost. The p.o has upped boost to 14lbs/1 bar as well. It idles great tho today I was playing around and i noticed that at 1500 rpms it makes a noticeable shake then lessons as you increase the revs. Also i should note that after I noticed the apexi bcv (not on the auction sheet) that its running an apexi power fc, with no controller... I took the air box apart and cleaned the mafs last night. There was lots of oil in the box and lines going to the compressor. I now have to add a catch can to immediate mods. The mafs looked like they were dipped in chocolate.. So im going to do spark plugs. Before I do that I want to test my ignitor and my coil packs. I took one coil off and it looked in great shape and the spark plug looked new?. After reading and searching these are what came to mind. Spark Plugs -If boost is upped to 14lbs and the plugs were just doneor stock plugs were used I heard that the stock gap is 1.1mm and that running more than 12lbs a gap of 0.8mm is recommended. That could be one cause? I don't know if that would cause the over fuelling? would it trigger the cel? It would explain the miss but not pinging/detonating? also cause the miss at 1500 rpms? - Bad coil pack or ignitor? My plan is to check them tomorrow i guess either one would cause a miss as well, Tho would that unspent fuel be enough to puff a decent black cloud after a pull? -Stuck injector? I now have to order the apeci power fc controller or cable and software,, and the nearest tuner is 900 kms away Or else i would of pulled the code.. Any other ideas. I know a read on the ecu would help with what sensor is going off at full boost
Thanks, I appreciate the answers. I should of realized how tight and how much work itd be. A bit pointless as iI'll be swapping and a waste of money as gtsboy and kiwi said. I had thought of coils and a new bushings kit, i had thought that letting the gases flow better would be cheap and easy... I had 93 180sx that i imported with 93kms and near stock that I sold to fund the stagea. I have a 2 post rotary lift at our farm, so first thing i did was lift up the 180 and do a down pipe, let tit flow and everything else was really easy to get at. I forgot its a bit more tight with the rb in there.. I think I'll focus on what you listed. What about turbo elbows? If i can get them cheap enough, are they as easy to get to on the sr if i use a hoist. Are they worth it? I might be able to get a return of my money for them when i do a single swap
New member here. I'm importing a 99 stagea 260rs and it should be here in about 4 weeks. During this winter and spring to early summer the plan is to do a single turbo swap (gtx35 or a pt 6266) in the meantime i hope to enjoy it for the last month and a bit of nice driving weather around here. I was thinking of doing exhaust manifolds and possibly turbo elbows and an exhaust. Anyways these are the manifolds im thinking about getting as they are at my price point. So my questions. Now what I can't figure out is what are the extra pipes? There's 2 on each manifold. One is a t2 flange? One is for an external wastegate? Whats the other one for, whats the purpose? Can i bolt the stock turbos onto them? Thanks
also the build date, thanks for posting that as well! Oh actually i had an important question, i guess itd hep more when i got pics u, but the car has i want to say recaro/nismo? seats. They were pretty mch like the black gtr seats with the red stitching on the sides, they didnt have the emblem i believe, but the center console also matched the seats and has the same black colour and also he red side stitching. I will get pics shortly but this has also been bugging me, does this mean im going to have to find some stock gtr seats?
Hi, I'm a new member here. I am in the progress of importing a r32 v spec ii. Car has been bought from the seller and is still in japan. My friend in japan helped find the car and negotiate a price. Anways I have reread this whole thread about 3-4 times now. Im trying to discern the full detaisl of the car. I was a bit skypetical about it being a v spec ii I dont know hot to read the build date but its a v spec ii. I was suprised to see a v spec ii i this colour code actually.. Which is what threw me off and made me uncertain. The only thing im not sure of is the Z before the AA in the model number, i believe that is code for a/c? Tho i was under the impression all v specs and v spec ii's had ac removed standard or was it available as an option. Can anyone provide some info if thats possible? I will get some pics loaded up soon. Tho i am across the pond (great white north eh) so its a shame i wont be able to cruise with you guys and admire the great cars on here. A last question, is the red one of the less common colours for an r 32 v spec ii?