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About Wildcat

  • Birthday 01/07/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
    Cars and Boys

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  • Car(s)
    97 S1 Dayz Stagea
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  1. that doesnt help....i have two on the back of my stag ..i have guys doing it all the time next to me at lights or when slowing down..they floor it to be side by side and then just pace with me while they constantly tap the throttle pedal...drives me mad
  2. Merry christmas....hope u all had a wonderful day xox
  3. ill come down and watch as its just around the corner from our house but not entering the stock stag...would be a waste
  4. Happy Birthday Buddy!! Make sure you have a drink for me seeing as i cant drink at the moment Hope the family spoils ya
  5. Congrats to you both!! he looks adorable WOW Niz 10pound ouchies lol...hopefully your all settling into parenthood well!! We had our little man a few days after you so will be interesting to see the progress between the two
  6. yep thats what i had to do, brought them from nissan dealer
  7. I will be experimenting with this over the next few weeks/months aswell as we have a little boy due in a few months and will end up having a newborn in a capsule and 2 others in chairs...some how im thinking its going to be a little bit tight
  8. i would head over to the stagea section on here there is a few threads about stageas stalling aswell as all the possiblities it could be. Personally i know a few who are running their stag's on normal fuel and have never had an issue. Stageas stalling is common to an extent and most seem to be able to fix it rather easily....have you checked the filters and fuel filter.. they maybe blocked or dirty? your afm? but like i said head the stagea section and you find how people fix them or determined what was going on.. Good luck!
  9. I would like to catch up with everyone on a cruise around town or something...has been quite hard lately for me to commit to anything...i wont be able to do a down south trip (would love to though) but as im currently pregnant and squirt has decided that long car drives and it arent mixing at the moment, so if you do a cruise around town let me know and ill attend
  10. Happy Birthday.....hope u had a great day xoxo P.s. Happy Birthday Jippa too
  11. hey bubba ill wear my bright yellow paintball mask so you dont feel left out k
  12. would be interested aswell in catchin up Jippa....8am is way early but what happened to making an effort? things dont happen if people dont go and make an effort....if your still looking at having this im sure we can come on down. As for the whole meetup and cruising like chuckie was saying i organised them for ages getting together and you can never get everyone completely happy and you will get bitching but hey i made the effort on several occassions to get cruising regularly and on most reports back people enjoyed themselves...i think sometimes its easier to say having a cruise on this day meeting here and then you dont get a lot of the yes, no's maybe's! obviously if there are a lot not going you can change the date so more can attend. it would be good to get back to the old'er days when we all enjoyed cruisng and catching up!
  13. would be interested in meeting up as well has been a long time since we have all got together
  14. spotted a green s1 and a white s2 at margs while holidaying this week....
  15. sorry to hear about it....we live around the area so will keep an eye out for it *runs out the front to make sure the stag is still there*
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