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Everything posted by grigor

  1. Have you had success with those loops? My Rb20 is great and its loop works fine. But the Rb25 on the R33 has similar wires exposed in the harness and they don't do anything, just sent the timing light crazy. We tried heaps of different timing lights and the dyno bloke warned us we'd have to remove the plug cover and get at the plug harness. He was right.
  2. grigor

    She's Here!

    I would not use prepsol, especially for a big area like a bonnet. As it's name suggests, it's a pre-clean prior to painting. I've had success with tea tree oil, but what ever system you use, do it in the cool and shade. Try for an area out of sight first.
  3. If you want to keep it in one piece, first item should have been the biggest cooler you can afford. Summer is almost here, turbo engines really drop power in the heat and the standard cooler is a joke. It's the best insurance you can buy against pinging or overboost, which is what will happen with bleed valves etc until you can afford a decent aftermarket ecu. Not much good having a cool sounding BOV with no ring lands left. There is a well worn path to making power in the R33 in Zoom magazine. It's pretty spot on as my son's 33 has 170rwkw with cooler, exhaust, blended dump and filter. Now it's run out of fuel so that's fuel pump, regulator, injectors, Apexi pfc and boost control. Then it will be turbo time. Pretty logical steps. Stay cool.
  4. From my fun with nun gun they can lose your order, but still keep the cash. They have an absolutely hopeless stock control, it should only take about a week. Make bloody sure they get you the right model and keep chasing your order.
  5. What's the first thing you thought when you saw those numbers? Head gasket between 4 and 5. Are you planning on big horsepower, lots of mods, then you might have a problem. But it's done 120K's (at least) it runs nicely and will probably go for years. That's the hassle with Rb20's they're getting old and you have to weigh up their cost against a newer Rb25. My latest Rb20 had 119k, runs sweet enough but has one weak cylinder. I've done about 100k since with only routine maintenance and it's still fine. If I was to go mad with boost, it would probably die, so ultimately it's up to you. Regards.
  6. There is heaps of info available on the net. Try http://www.rb20det.com/ for wiring diagrams etc. or http://datnet.org/new/techinfo/ But don't buy any workshop manuals from gtr shop in NZ, absolutely useless. Regards.
  7. As it's not a factory installation, have you checked pin 44 (neutral switch) was connected during the fit up? Regards.
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