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Mr Eps

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Everything posted by Mr Eps

  1. i dont get it - does knowing how to spell "que" mean you're old? i saw the "ke" thing but figured that i won't go out of my way to embarrass poor andy. he gets enough of it as is! anway - as requested... the MZ21 soarer of doom ^^the inerior is wow. AND it's an 88... WINKYface? tein coilovers, LeonHardiritt Bugels, overfenders, Viper alarm system (?) has new timing belt waterpump thermostat and and radiator fan... apparently also 108,229 km - with no windback km? and stored in a garage? looks to be suffering a small oil leak - but what 7M gte ISNT leaking oil... ...would make way for a particular 1J i have had my eye on please click here if you like the 1JZ brand sssshhhhpankers. andrew if you want a CHEAP AS YOUR MUMMA Z20 soarer... there is THIS which may be of interest to you... Gz20 with a 5MT... 100,000 yen for you only. =) first to see will buy would be a little bit less than 6K landed. allow a few extra hundred for compliance.. ...although that is a dealer sale - so his commission would be inclusive of that 100,000Y ... so in other words i'd say that'd be a bit of a shi1tter
  2. to give an idea of my "workout" ride from work to home, grab boxing gloves ride to gym 2 mins rowing challenge to warm the fk up - challenge is do 500m in 2 minutes, whatever comes last, so if 2 minutes hits, stay on until i've rowed 500m... if i've done 500m, tough tits. stay till 2 minutes warm up bench press just bar no weights 1 set bench press, then 10 pushups 2 set bench press but do 4 full range fast - then 4 bottom halves, then 4 full range slow burners.... then pushups 3rd set bench press - as above incline bench - as above with pushups on knees (for incline) decline bench - again pushups but palms facing downwards ish for a decline isolate cable crossover then core time: On Fitball: 15 fitball crunches, 15 fitball oblique crunches left, 15 right, then "lift up" on the ball - and raise one leg at a time - 15 of each then go back to start on mat: back on mat, feet on fitball - crunches again - this time pulsing upwards. / "climbing the rope" hold fitball between feet - bring legs up to lift up fitball - pass fitbal to hands in crunch position, hold fitball in hands, open up, extend out, pass back to feet, do this until death, then repeat use the fitball as a roman chair and work my lower back then do 5 minutes of planks / hovers alternating between floor and feet on fitball / hands on fitball THEN go back to the very very start and start again - that takes a half an hour. chyeah.
  3. six packs on skinny dudes are like big tits on fat chicks - they don't count! ANYWAY VspecIInur - with a diet like that you must be CUT AS ALL f**kERY. that is incredibly lean eating to maintain - good for you, man!!! erm - not to turn this into an "i know more than you do mate" meat head thread a-la gym and supplement discussion... but for your diabetes - do you take psyllium husk? i've read that psylillililiyunfom husk can regulate the effects of diabetes and control your sugar spikes.. matter of fact - i got it now *drinks psyllium husk - BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES* mmmmm tasteh. hahhaa umm - cant remember the screen name - but the first poster with the trainer mate - thanks for that! i totally forgot about cottage cheese.. i used to eat it all the time for protein but forgot about it becuase i'm a full warm blooded retard. by the way thanks for the advice to you all - beleive it or not i AM taking advice from all of you.. so none of this is falling on deaf ears.. my eating today: breakfast: 1/3 cup porridge, didn't finish it - didn't have time protein shake - pure WPI - unflavoured, non sweetened, no sugar just protein - tastes like your dads farts. a multivitamin and 2 fishoil caps morning tea: a carrot / a celery stick lunch: soup hi-tea celery stick dinner: steak n salad + 2 fishoil caps AND what. oh right and tonights' gym is half hour chest workout, then half hour abs, then an hour of kickboxing straight off the back of that =/
  4. You're definitely on the right path as a practice run, as has been said you need better mic work... Honestly constructive criticism here??? Do more takes if it needs it... As a viewer it feels like you guys got the first takes that were passable and ran with it... .. So do two or three more takes next time you film.. Reason being is it's great practice for acting, helps you feel a bit more comfortable and confident on camera and makes everything flow a bit better... The more you do this the better you'll get but simply put my personal constructive criticism is this would be perfect IF you the host lil miss r32 had a bit more practice and just didn't seem so.... Hmm. Unsure? But it will come with time!!! And my other constructive critic is relocate to Perth so I can give you proper headlight restoration... Other than that the car is spot on!!!
  5. dare i say it - Jason... in this instance... the survey says... you're.... WRONG... BBBBoooooommmmm you don't have to get it engineered. you dont have to do SHIT. do on the work order what YOU beleive needs fixing. does it say your tint is too dark? be honest. is it? if so - pull it off. does the work order say your car is too low? IS IT too low? then lift it. if you beleive in your heart of hearts that it's NOT too low... then don't change it.. here's what you do: take the car to the pits having fixed what YOU beleive is a necessary fix - take it to the pits n say "hey heres my car, i fixed this that n this, but with this i just wanted an inspectors' opinion because it's YOUR say which matters" he will give you a work order - and you will then complete THAT dont run around organising engineers certs if you don't physically need to.. just see what the inspector says n take it from there - there's no point getitng your motor engineered and your brakes confubulated and your flux capacitor enhanced... ...if the inspector is just going to not even bother looking at it and then ping you for having a wobbly gearknob that requires a screw to be put back in... know what i mean? so yeah - (not to say jason is wrong here) but why create extra stress.. just get it inspected after fixing MOST of your work order... THEN start from there.
  6. hahaha and i'll bump this to the top every 5 minutes so that it doesn't slip into *gulp*.... page 2... if it goes down ^^^ there... ....i dont want this thread back... hahaha and yes i will say situps aren't everything - but they're definitely not useless - i used to spend a dedicated DEDICATED half an hour a week doing slow controlled situps, planks, hovers, holds, leg raises, hundreds etc etc... ...i didn't have a six pack - doubt i ever WILL have one... but i had an outline of one at one stage!!! so they definitely help.. but - they're not everything - and yes - 3/4 litres of water PREVENTS water retention for a male of my stature - it prevents bloating of the gut and reduces your size. plus it flushes and detoxes you... true story! Mohsen - i like you. but if you think i'm above stabbing you're wrong! did you not read any of the thread?? for me - it's not as simple as "cutting out junk food" i very rarely drink, i dont eat chips / crisps / crackers / lollies / sweets / desserts - that shit doesn't interest me... my problem is ... hmm i dunno - guess i'm about to find out?
  7. BungBung - i will do that if i don't see a decent result in... hmm... ...i give this three weeks? i mean REALLY... with healthy eating that's tasty enough to be sustainable.. with no sugars. and lots of proteins... ...that, combined with GOOD weights training and good cardio - surely with THAT all happening... ...i SHOULD reach my goal - IN THEORY. i mean - my goal isn't THAT ambitious - lose 10kg in say hmm 8 weeks? and tone up my delicious muscles? haha but yeah - i dont think i need to do anything TOO bloody drastic really - it's only 10kg im hoping to lose - i lost ~40 kg before so this should be a cakewalk
  8. I'm about 6"4' man - last i checked anyway rics - no thanks. bike riding yields much better results than jogging IMO, and i already DO do jogging... IRREGARDLESS... - my exercise is not up for discussion.. sorry!!! i just wanted some assistance with my diet - and - it IS what you stick in your mouth... (no omo) as discussed previously - with things like celery it burns more energy to process it than what the body can consume from it... FYI today has been - porrige for breakfast (1/3 cup raw oats) skipped morning tea cos i had no food lunch was a cup of stew - carrots beans peas tomato celery lima beans onions green beans spinach and lentils.. afternoon tea has been a stick of celery with peanut butter. dinner will be a soup made from chicken breast, bullion powder, onion carrot n celery. ...how can you guys say my diet is "out of wack" there is NOTHING WRONG WITH IT BROs
  9. im gonna go to the shop on my lunch break n get some... white guy stuff.. i had my thyroid function checked when i was 16 - was diagnosed with a very low acting thyroid and then put on a low carb diet.. ...all i was allowed to eat was a slice of ham for brekky, and cashews for lunch need less to say i found it hard to focus and concentrate in year 11 and 12... wah wah =P
  10. lolno. just the egg for me - no bread no mayo... if the yolks still soft - there's no need for mayo / butter!!! but seriously - the egg discussion thread is >>>>>>>>> that way man
  11. why dont YOU ramp up YOUR cardio man!!! haha no really - i ride my bike to work, and home, i ride my bike to the gym - and home.. i do kick boxing and walk long distances, daily.. how do you suggest i "ramp up" from that? considering i work fulltime i think that that's feeeiinnnn just fein. edit! __ __ -- LOLLLL!!!!! NICE sig bro!
  12. TERRY SPARE ME YOUR MEDICAL MUMBO JUMBO JUST TELL ME STRAIGHT, DOC!!! IS HE GOING TO LIVE!!!! Alvin - i don't *trust* people who dont eat egg yolks. heres why: 1) Egg yolk is delicious 2) contains many different types of healthy non saturated non trans fats, plus is a good source of omega 3 and vitamins - the egg white however is a good source of protein... mmmm... telor balado :)
  13. Alvin - have a glass of water is silleh - i drink between 3-4 litres of water a day.. as Martin said .. you need to drink hella water to flush all your body out and stuff and junk.. Martin - you DO understand that your body does consume a lot of energy while you sleep, right? people often say "OMG no food after 3pm bro" but "sleep" doesn't actually mean you're dead. your body is still very active and churns up a lot more energy sleeping than you do - say, watching TV or something of that nature
  14. oh and one more thing - for me... ...i have a lower acting thyroid.. so - for many people who want to lose weight - for them it's as easy as saying "okay no more maccas for a month" or "i'm giving up drinking for a month" for me, it isn't that simple unfortunately.. i need to take fishoil tabs, and kelp tablets (contains a strand of iodine to stimulate activity in my thyroid to make my metabolism work) and eat healthy AND exercise like a mother bitch. isolated weights training is EXCELLENT for losing fat and i don't care what any of you say. unless you're doing weights training - your cardio is absolutely useless! one last thing - i think people trust personal trainers too much - one of the trainers at my girlfriends' gym... and you konw what they told her? "you should have no more than 3 eggs a week - and you must not eat more than one egg a day" ^^^^ eggs are up there with the best weightloss foods available!!!
  15. Adamskill - thanks man i'll have a look into it cos that's pretty close to my "goal" i'm at 107 right now but would like to be between 90-95.. lowest i ever got was 98 and i was skinny as a rake haha R32-25T - while i admit body trim DOES sound interesting - it seems too close to the program i design myself to warrat shelling over all that money to be told many of the things i already know.. i can't see bosytrim offering anything to "me" radical enough to justify their purchase.. does that make sense? Terry - worst time for snacking is late afternoon and late evening because when trying to lose weight we don't FEED ourselves enough during the day - so that is WHY i'm trying to think of a suitable midnight snack - in CASE i get ravenously hungry and cannot sleep at night! some_cs_student - please explain how a breakfast of slow release carbohydrate, high protein vegetable diet and no low carbohydrate meal plan is not suited for fat loss? and how is walking and bike riding and kickboxing combined with weight training not suited to fat loss i'm not patronising you here, but the last time i lost the bulk of my weight - THIS was how i did it. my body type - typical fat guy that's lost weight... so, stocky.. solid build.. well defined arms with olive skin. haha no really. my arms and legs i'm happy with - it's just my torso that needs work.. any excess leg fat will come off from riding etc. but the torso fat is what is bothering me! Hamish - cheers for the salary idea man.. i forgot about celery - as for cabbage soup - while YES i could make it... to be honest between "cooking" brekky, planning my meals and lunch AND cooking and buying my dinners... i can't be f**ked making cabbage soup in the off chance that i *may* get hungry. haha! and yes - i was the fattest thing to every grace a pink hoody and a fixy bike. okay FINE it wasn't REALLY 40 kg i was like 137 and got down to 98/99 ...and im not ACTUALLY a hipster. smileyface! RBNT - thanks i'll look into that! but im more looking for healthy foods is all.. Arthur - you are joking, right? my meal plan is really not a lot of food at all my man, and vegemite's not that good for you! but in that case it wouldn't matter if vegemite were pure lard.. you really only have about 3 grams of it anyway
  16. Cheers Rich I'm fine with that song long as it's not the standard PT response which is usually "bump up your cardio man" If you wanna get my gym schedule involved while were at it - one hour a day workout: Monday - chest biceps n core Tuesday - one hour kick box-ercise Wednesay - legs Thursday - shoulders n triceps Friday - back and core ^^ this is no talking no breaks no frittering about. If I'm not doing a bench press, I'm doing pushups. If I'm not doing a squat - it's high knee runs.. Etc etc I also ride my bike to n from the gym.. And walk / ride to train station to get to my work I'm just saying I do a fair amount of exercise.. More than what most couch potatoes do ... Most personal trainers just tell everyone to "ramp up your cardio man" and it's fkn annoying. None of them will listen to what you are already doing!!!
  17. Hey guys. Just writing up a meal plan and I'm almost complete just one thing is racking my brains: midnight snack. So I didn't what every normal guy creating a mealplan would do: Make a thread about it on the SAU wasteland. Basically: years ago I lost 40kg making my own meal plans and sticking to it.. Since that "lowest weight" I've put back on 7kg... I'm wanting to lose a total of 10kg in fat... Gym and exercise aside.. My meal plan Is as follows; with each main meal offering an alternative to give an idea of what I'm getting at: Breakfast: Two medium boiled eggs + psyllium husks in water OR 1/3 cup oats made into porrige with honey + psyllium Morning tea: Apple + rice thin with peanut butter Lunch: Soup of whatever choice I decide - low salt obviously Afternoon tea: Celery / carrot sticks with peanut butter plus another rice thin or can of tuna etc - just some protein... Dinner: Grilled serve of meat with salad or vegetables Now I'll also note that morning and night I'll be taking fish oil, and will probably have some form of thermogenics as well as natural green tea.. And the occasional glass of flcream milk.., I won't be "snacking" because simply put.. I don't like eating almonds and dried fruit.. It's too sweet. I'll also be drinking a pure WPI drink mixed with water after workout.. This is no flavorings.. No artificial junk.. Just a pure protein... MY QUESTION TO YOU, wasteland.... Is, my meal plan a good plan for cutting fat and leaning out a bit? But also... I get hungry at night and want a midnight snack... Suggest something that I can have that won't disrupt my plans - but here's the challenge... I don't want fruit late at night.... And I HATE most sweet things. So please no suggestions of "microwave an apple with cinnamon it's like an apple pie LOL" ... I would prefer a piece of chicken breast served with a really hot Chilli to dip it into. So - help me out with a midnight snack??? And feel free to suggest or discuss your eating habits.
  18. that car has been rough since it was brought into the fkn country - should never have been allowed in!!! was an absolute heap of shit - i was ashamed to have that thing parked outside my god damn house!
  19. that's Nic. he says cheers his number is 0403 856 598
  20. anyway: some other names that i'll throw out that i've heard great things about: All star Garage WTFAuto (for toyota only) hyperdrive Rocket Thumb garage to be totally honest - i've heard and seen workshops go from being totally famous and having a bulletproof repotoir to being out of business and having their name dragged through the dirt over the ten or so years that i've been "in the scene" won't name names there but those who will know will think of at least four big names that just f**ked up... ..but yeah - hyperdrive is the cockroach of the WA tuning and mechanic scene. a comet, a plague, a famine, a swarm of locusts, financial crisis and the four horsemen of the bible can come down and swipe down EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH... ...but hyperdrive will continue to operate. they will still tune cars, they will always pick up the phone. they will always provide advice and great customer service. they will survive anything that the world can throw at them, like a cockroach they just soldier on and do their thing. (not to say that hyperdrive are ANYTHING like an acutal cockroach - just saying they're REALLY in this for the long haul!)
  21. hey this is sorta semi on topic - there's a gull on flinders street.. next to the servo - is a garage. is that garage - is always an entire fleet of drift S13s, Ma61 supras, Z10 soarers, Ke70's.. skylines and all sorts of JDM goodness... anybody know what the story is there???
  22. ^^^ i think that with many RAWS - employing trained monkeys IS the case... that would explain why so many compliance things get "forgotten" about!!
  23. Talk to Socrates ... He might be interested
  24. depends what colour your car is ^^^ Victor here has a white V35 so it clashes with the black tint - in his case it's best to go 30-35% film so as not to arouse suspicion of the law however if you have a black one... or a gunmetal one... ...it's quite easy to get dark becuase to the eye it's barely noticeable - that price is very good however!!!! is that for ALL windows?
  25. wahahahaha them's MY fingers. that's (was) my key
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