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Mr Eps

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Everything posted by Mr Eps

  1. for example... have a look at THIS GTR BY CLICKING THIS TEXT it has: 1 owner it's whole life orig km, no winding back or cluster exchange @ 18,000km garaged indoors it's whole life not a scratch on it just had it inspected by nissan - nissan confirms that every single thing on the car works properly he is asking just short of 3.2 MILLION yen for it... ...which landed and complied in aust... is *around about* 54 thousand dollars which is expensive. but i tell you right now. if i had the money. i would buy that car. and i'm not a "GTR" guy!!!
  2. ......but the important part of it is that he didn't let some theiving lazy useless broker $990,, right??? to OP - if you know how to apply for import approvals, import brokerage, de-registration and export from japan, AND if you trust sending money to some random overseas... like... THOUSANDS of moneys... ...if you know how to get some guys who live in a completely different country to drive the car you just spent thousands of dollars on - from the auction house... and onto a boat... ..if you know how to send a car through customs, quarrantine, steamcleaning, inspection, towing to compliance... then organise compliance of that car.. if you can do ALL THAT and MONITOR and quality control everything personally to ensure things go smoothly - as if your reputation is on the line... if you can do ALL THAT... and still show up to your "real job" everyday... then.. please - import your own car.. it's a buttload of fun as im sure you can imagine.. ...but if you would rather just sit back, relax and go tend to your zen garden... pay $990 and use a reputable broker - you're sure to find one in this forum... and we're all a wealth of knowledge (not so much me though) to answer your initial question about GTR... 600-800 for an R32 is rather expensive i must say... BUT. mind you.. the R32 GTR in japan is .... how can i explain this... it's like... "run of the mill" ones cost sweet eff all.. GOOD ones however.... that have no accident history... service documentation.. good condition well maintained and even restored GTR.. can set you back between the 25-30 grand mark landed and complied... the japanese car culture is something absolutely backward to what we have here in australia... in australia - you advertise your perfect condition well maintained MINT condition rare build iconic car... and you'll get three offers of some alcoholic deadsh1t offering you 14 grand lower than your asking price.. where as in japan... that example of a car commands a value to rival brand new cars. for instance old laurel coupe tend to fetch around the 1.5 million yen mark if they're in good condition... ....so you can imagine that an R32 GTR landed and complied will cost anywhere between $9,000... and $35,000... budget somewhere in the middle of that and you'll be sweet. and yes. im serious. that is your goalposts.
  3. Lol Kristian was this the geniussrs from my old work that imported three cars at same time n applied for all three cars under the pis scheme while cars were on boat???
  4. Mr Eps


  5. Put out a wtb ad or trawl and see if someone will rent for a little while
  6. Mr Eps


    lol you got MISINFORMED. (my own version of punk'd. check it out on 7mate. basically it's like punk'd except it's more anonying ie: we misinform people of their uni exam times... or wedding dates.. or tell people late night trading is on when it's actually NOT.) (okay okay so misinformed isn't REALLY a tv show but seriously it'd be great...) think about it.. (guy walks in and sees wife holding a baby) "HONEY!!!! YOU SAID MY FIRST CHILD WOULD BE BORN AT 3PM!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!" "ha ha yeah darl he was born an hour ago... you've been MISINFORMED" "OHHHHHHH ha ha ha you made me miss the birth of my firstborn ha ha ha im on national TV ha ha ha ohhhhh i see the cameras" then i come out and we all have a laugh.
  7. lol. hell no.
  8. these are the "tuner type" ones... for $50. over the counter sale no postage or phone calls. hope he got em!
  9. why is this being so difficult? is it an R34 thing? changing park bulb is the easiest thing ever surely....
  10. Actually the difference is a lot more than 20 bucks... But actually the other way.. As in ***PM ME FOR NAME*** etc are more pricey... That's our claim.
  11. Don't get the Allen key type. They crack and rust and are made of cheese. Go to Richards tyrepower in Osborne park on scabs beach road and speak to Lachlan... They'll have what you need.. 50 a set last I checked that's with locknuts too
  12. oh wow that's actually a good idea... just make sure it's the one way ones... like his majesty's.. because roe street is two way and all the "baller" vietnamese guys like to hammer their NA silvias through it... ...cool man? also the other benefit is, there's a lift to the top floor... so you don't have to ride your hard to ride action bike all the way up there!
  13. 600 thisand yen is about 15 odd landed n complied... For more info... Just stick around Google sevs too
  14. i'm pretty sure they /have/ to give you SOME form of notice... ..not trying to sound cocky when i speak like that but im just saying i highly doubt they're allowed to "rock up" like that...?
  15. ^^^ it seems i was misfed information in the rant i got given! that makes a lot more sense what you said... when i was being told it i was like "that makes no sense" but yes - that's sterling advice
  16. ummmmmmmm maybe some of the "cycle" tracks in kings park?
  17. metal parts or pastic? if it's metal... briffa engineering in bayswater - look no further. unless of course you want to look further. if you want to look further then do that EDIT: id also check out "hotrod" places too... although i'd imagine they'd be exxy unless you're a "friend"
  18. ^^^^get a load of THIS guy! haha nah just tricking... it's a bit of a catch22 (i think that's the saying?) cars have to be brought back to standard for compliance... ...yes and "no" yes - it is a federal requirement to return the cars back to stock for compliance, however once the car "passes" compliance - it gets very hard to "chase it up" for the authorities... so in a sense... the most viable time that authorities can "police" the RAWS (not revs - revs = pre 2005) the RAWS is BEFORE compliance is passed.. while it's in their shop... crazy, right? any worker with half a brain would say so what, it's a work in progress. i mean to say no modified cars can be imported.. is a load of pap. im sure someone's going to get up me for saying this - but it's entirely up to the RAWS owner and how much money they want to make off their customer. the RAWS owner is the one that "passes it" there is no "government inspector" that comes down to the shop n check every car that goes through... they are bestowed delegated authority to make the call themselves. the onus is on them and them only to say "yeah okay" or "naaaaaah think i might need to take the bodykit off aye, yeeeeeaaaah gunna be 3 days labour for that aye" they can "pass" it in whatever form they deem necessary. the only reason that they would make someone install a dash is because they RAWS owner feels like getting his wife a new flatscreen TV. and has to find a way to pay for it. they can comply it "modified" and nobody would be any the wiser - if authorities come back to him for mods, he can simply push the blame onto the owner of the car n say "wasn't me" the way they make the customer cough up the cash is... usually they do the work before they ask. and when you blast them for your 4 grand invoice - they often give you a ten minute rant about "litigation" and "sueing" and "malpractice" and try to pretend like they know what they're talking about. this intimidates the customer. and they pay it. forgive the rant. i know it has nothing to do with GTR's... but to say that only "non modded" cars can come in is a load of scat. it is a rule that can't REALLY be policed and is perpetuated by whoever wants to perpetuate it... which is usually those who have something to gain from "returning a car to stock" on topic - importing a GTR won't necessarilly save you money... but it MAY mean you'll get a nicer car... you never know - there are enthusiasts who DONT thrash their car in every walk of life. take my soarer for instance, cost me a lot more to import. but the money isn't an issue when you get a mint car with service history and millions of yen worth of name brand mods
  19. It's for that same reason daihatsu pulled out of Australia.. They were just..... .....too f**king fast... Too many kids got hurt.. And yeah do it
  20. ... Then FALLING OUT of his kids tricycle??? IN HIS UNDERPANTS???
  21. ..... So nobody has commented on the hilarity of a grown man riding a kids trike in his underpants in public??
  22. Well yea zig zag is one way only problem is it's very tight so you'd need to be careful not to skid off onto the outside embankment and roll your trike into the gravel, tipping you out of the machine as your hands try to catch your fall, But it's too late, your hands bite the gravel scraping the skin from the palm of your hands, you slip and try to catch yourself with your elbows, they shatter on impact ... The pain is undeniable... You see visions of your life flash before your eyes as your trike inexplicably explodes in a fireball launching you down the embankment... Your friends cry out but they can't find you.... You lay there staring up At the trees as your burning huffy slider falls on your body... You try to kick it away but your legs won't move... The sheer weight of the burning huffy slider pins you down... ....huffy drifting.... Sirious biznes
  23. canarvon's been flooded??? sorry guys, this is news to me!!!! a few things - i only got back into the country on monday, and i don't watch the news... shall we do a canarvon benefit cruise?
  24. yeah buddy. if you've done a turbo converions all by yourself, then this will be a walk in the park AFAIK the ECU is located in the passenger side underneath the floor
  25. are you able to undo screws and clips? and do them up and plug things in??
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