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Mr Eps

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Everything posted by Mr Eps

  1. yep what he said - they really do make it very actually possibly to buy out of japan i hear that schooling can now be done "at home" these days... anyone else heard of this?
  2. well let's do it then?? like the old saying goes "put your testicles on the carpet"
  3. seeing as we now speak in photographs... i love the yamaha maxam... is it REALLY that hard to import a scooter??? hahaha
  4. i answer this question with a question ....are you trolling?
  5. beerbaron - are pre 1988 honda fusion available in japan? if i can get that i'd be set! or is compliance still a bitch for them even
  6. hi. i'm in perth. i've pm'd you my number. my mum wants the alstadts. let's chat. maybe you make sale tomorrow.
  7. to quash a couple things - no this is not happening - polyphony digital have a total of something like ... here we go.. Entity Name: Polyphony Digital Inc. Established: April 2nd 1998 Location: Tobu Toyosu Bldg 2F., 1-10-19 Edagawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0051 Japan Capital: 10 Million Yen Employees: Approx. 110 Business Description: Planning and development of game software, and operation of surrounding services Representative: President Kazunori Yamauchi that's 110 people working on this game that is including the following president, exec staff, their PA's, admin staff, testers, developers, marketing, public relations, telemetry advisers, drivers and car testers, track designers, engineers, Occ health safety officer, first aid staff on the track, - EVERYTHING from receptionist to president yamauchi. all in 110 people. let's be realistic, of that 110, let's discredit 15-20 staff as being exec, pa, reception, marketing, PR, and any other job title that isn't going to actually HELP the development of the game. that leaves... let's say 90 staff that are actually hands on developing the game. divide that into the following categories software engineers graphics specialists developers testers drivers handling advisers track designers let's dedicate 10 staff total to the last three categories now u have 80 staff (that is way amibitious - probably not that much) but let's say 80 staff in those first four major staffing areas. let's say 20 per category. that essentially means there's 20 people at every core of this game. the game is ready to go - and has been for some time, sony has pushed it back for their own reasoning. its scheduled release of march1 obviously isn't the case - yamauchi has taken it back to do fine tuning on the game. reason being - the game wasn't good enough, forza2 came out and everyone went bananas.GT has big shoes to fill other than it's own now. so little things had to be done, as little as they are, they TAKE TIME GT prologue^^^ doesn't have textured grass - this sort of thing is what they've added. also a few extra cars are coming. so - yes - the game's taken ages. it's taken 5 years. however this is not "making another installment in the series" this is making an entire new game - with it's own graphics engines. new lighting effects. everything they had to start from scratch. with a whole heap of new technology, it would have been very buggy to sort out. in addition to this. online play. and a social networking basis to back it up. as well as damage, flying debris, destructible environments. YES you just want to drive. but PD don't want to give you that product, they want to give you something that you will love. now i've finished this rant. i do get it how frustrating it is - i'm kinda done with games that simply are not gran turismo. and i get the frustration too. but... it's gonna be worth it. if you don't think it's gonna be worth it - don't buy it! - as for this xbox port - no. xbox cannot handle the graphics required for such a big game.. i dunno if that rumour is actually a rumour or a joke. seriously - it will be work it. that said - you'll all be pleased to know, yamauchi said in a recent interview that GT6 will not take anywhere near as long to make - because the ground work is all there, all that will need to be done is new tracks and new cars. and improve the work they've already acheived. but this is their hardest task - getting the ground work finished.
  8. bump there's me - until i find a buyer for my car - haven't driven it since november but it's @ hyperdrive this tuesday getting injector replaced (befor eyou all tell me to fix it myself) it's inj. number 4 - right beneath the plenum. sooooo f*k that. pay HD to fix it instead f**k bitches get money - seriously if someone paid banger 12.5K for his cef why am i asking too much at 8/9 grand? lol but yeah - if you guys wanna organise a meet before i sell my car - i might join - but would be reluctant for police presence.
  9. or even later when GT5 comes out bundled with duke nukem forever.
  10. yeah man - what's the worst that could happen? =D i'm really curious... if it's a japanese car - and it was sold domestically - then how could it have only sold a volume of 19 or so? if that's actually the case - are you SURE it was sold domestically and people aren't just importing from japan? ...wait... i know what it is... ....a dragon.
  11. ok a few pointers: you said this car is "rare as hen's teeth" in aus - hen's technically don't have "teeth" per say. they have a beak which basically combines the use of lips, teeth, nostrils, and tongue all into one. they use this beak to pick up and break down grain, seeds and grind up into a fine dust for their consumption. much the same as a rooster, pictured below. in short - there isn't actually any such thing as Hen's Teeth at all. now that we've got that cleared up - the rest of your question is indeed a wild one. obviously this part of the post is best left to someone more knowledgeable of imports than someone who knows the intricacies of feathered game birds. what i can tell you is: importing from the UK is exactly the same process as importing from japan.. they still get put onto a boat and flown here into australia on the flying boat machine. my question is - and i'm pretty sure the importer will want to know this as well - is, what car are you looking to import? because from your description it seems they sold the car here in aus, if that's the case - you can't import it bro... unless you personally import it
  12. you mean like REAL 3d?? ...like donkeykong country?
  13. ...what.
  14. the honda fusion clone isn't avail in aus is it.... i've found the TGB xmotion250 it's a neat little machine - apparently the kymco downtown300 is hitting retail soon - it's lighter than most 250cc bikes, has more storage capacity and accelerates faster than the suzuki burgman 400 only problem with these bikes is - the TGB is not avail until mid april and is $6,990driveaway - a lot of money for a fkn scooter!!!!!!
  15. no. no. no. no. i don't want to get a trail bike. i don't want to get a 250cc and convert it to automatic i don't want to get a postie bike and modify it i want a scooter. thanks to whoever posted up the 250cc yamaha's they're not sold anymore and that pricing is well within my reach of purchase. cheers!! seriously. my mate is always in my ear already saying "if you're getting into the 250 size then why piss around with a scooter why not just get a motorbike" like shut up already i just want a scooter - that's the product i want. easy to commute on. and much more useful than a motorbike. ps - funky did you end up actually buying a scooter or did all the knuckle dragging mouth breathers talk you out of it?
  16. okay - one - no gsx-r600 bozodos. i don't want gears and i want the practicality of a scooter - my mate has a ninja250 and outside of "commuting" it's useless IMO cos there's no storage and unless u aren't afraid of dieing anytime soon (like i am) then pilion passenger is hard!! haha reasons i want a scooter are: automatic, so easy to ride storage for things within the seat etc etc yes i'm aware of the yamaha majesty 250 and it's awesomeness - i'm also aware of it's aftermarket support haha but yamaha majesty in aus is only avail as 500cc as of 2007... the only majesty's available as 250cc is one i've found in queensland, it's nearly four years old and she wants 5.5K for it... dreaming... scooters do not hold their value that good!!! and im def not getting it from qld.. too far! (i'm in WA) again honda forza - only available as 500cc now i specifically want a 250 because obviously i have to have my 250cc class license for a year before i can get anything larger ... so i want a stylish customisable <250cc scooter! as for funkymonkey - the ruckus (last i heard) was on the cusp of being readily available in australia for those who don't know now you know. honda ruckus is cool - but again - 50cc... while it's great idea to think about how good on fuel it would be - reality is you'd get spat on by every car driver because you didn't accelerate to 100km/h in 4 secs in a school zone. it's a shit reality but a reality nonetheless - 50cc is unfortunately too slow for aus roads, maybe it's okay in melbourne but not anywhere else =/ but yeah - looks like importing a scooter will be way too hard... will shop locally - the derbi range seem to have good sporty looking scooters but i more want something customisable ... like... oh and another scooter i want - the yamaha morphous soooooooo long n low
  17. hey everyone as thread suggests... haven't the slightest idea of who or where else to ask about this sort of thing but was wondering about buying a scooter - then i realised a few things they are compared to when i'm overseas and ride a scooter - the scooters here cost entirely too much money and the scooters here suck... i don't WANT a V-moto or some cheap rubbish that's "retro" i just want an automatic motorbike that's easy and fun to ride but yeah - overseas a brand new scooter seems to cost about $1500AUD - $3000 MAX??? essentially i want something sporty like the kymco xciting250 or the downtown300 as pictured here both these scooters are priced well below $5000 AUD and yet for anything that comes close in aus you're looking in excess of 8/9K!!! so does anyone know IF anything can be done and WHAT needs to be done to import a scooter??? i've heard there's not much compliance that needs to be done on most models outside of emissions control etc
  18. suck it noob. edited cos i was trolling
  20. mmmmm - i don't really like the idea of paying 18-20% variable on an unsecured personal loan - concept doesn't really grab me too much =(
  21. ok cool just wanted to make sure i AM doing the correct thing here by trying to save and pay cash and there's not some sort of "money tree" you guys all know about that i don't my only real "outlay" of my money is paying off my credit card - and the unfortunate god awful task of purchasing presents for my gf who is turning 21 in a few weeks GOD DAMMIT but yeah - want myu credit card paid off in full before i start
  22. how much $$$ do u earn per annum (dont have to answer - me personally get between 45-55Kpa) and yet no matter how hard i save it sdeems to get me no where???
  23. THOUGHT AND OPINION - NOT BASED ON FACT the truth with this sort of thing in MY EYES is a group of people get together and say "this is what the rules will be" but then that group's mate pipes up and says "awwwww but i wanna be in that as well" so the group of people get back together with their new buddy and say "ok from now on this is what the rule is gonna be" and that person get let in on the process for financial gain... under the form of a "contract" that that particualr private enterprise owner muscles in on the government. this doesn't necessarilly apply solely to steam cleaners of imports, it also applies to aircon re-gassers, tyre replacers, glass mirror makers - the whole sha-bang. basically people attain these "contracts" which removes the consumers ability to "shop around" or save money - because they have the "contract" they can charge whatever they want and perform which ever service they "dont" want - because they have that contract which can't be shaken a good example is the amount of "complied" car without side intrusion bars - only weld spots to make it look like the work's been carried on if it makes you feel any better - this goes right throughout any government agency where they governing bodies are pushed around by greedy private enterprise, ie... road maintenance subcontracts which haemmorige taxpayer dollars because they set the rules so that they only work for doubletime construction companies who violate building laws and regulations set by planning departments but pay off the guy at the top so that it's too late to undo what's been done by the time it's flagged as a problem that there's a block of flats being built in a quaint suburban streets which is subcontracted /again/ to state housing to be utilised as methlabs etc etc list goes on the only truth is - it's something u have to do - and there's not much u can do about it unless u bypass it by complying the car in another city then getting it privately transported. which costs even more...
  24. i'm sure by now people in the import business are TIRED of my consistant question asking regarding the process but i don't think i'm that bad so please feel free to read my new book titled "Mad082 can SUCK IT." anyway trying to keep this brief as possible, i want soarer - and have been for quite some time. my budget for 98-00 soarer is about 15g this is allowing for car FOB transit compliance rego insurance etc etc and possibly a set of shiny mag wheels. anyway i see a lot of people purchasing V36 skylines etc... those things cost HEAPS... how do people AFFORD this kind of thing??? is it bank loan? cos u can't get carloans for imports unless you pay major interest.. am i missing somehting here or do these people jsut "have" 40 grand kicking around the house to drop on a depreciating asset =/ how do people get money for imported cars??? my general gist of society is that the people who HAVE the money - spend it on "more presitigous" locally delivered cars... so my question is this - how do people "usually" pay for imports??? i'm having trouble "saving" for mine =/
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