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Mr Eps

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Everything posted by Mr Eps

  1. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! ME TOO!!!!! actually it was NOKO. a perth based company imports it and re-labels it from the usa. cheap stuff.. caffeine snd what have you felt like heaps energetic but later that night at the queens a pee'd hard out of my ass. it hurt me bad. esp the fact i had to make a dirty snap at the queens toilets. the end.
  2. FUCKING LOLOLOLOLOLOL sorry to laugh here but first i saw it and thoguht "jesus wat a retard" - then... at 24 seconds you hear someone go "awwwwww malakaaaa!!!" seriously though, if you wanna go 9 sec quarter mile. all i can say is. dont. you're a choade mate.
  3. i hardly see them ever, i've been looking on the net lately at the 99/2000 soarer because ...it's in my budget of what i actually do wanna spend.. sooo.. how much does compliance cost for these? surely it's not around the 3 grand mark these days... also is the 99/2000 models eligable for import? i remember hearing once that they aren't :S also what seperates the 2000 model from say a 1992 model? my mum has a soarer and i've fallen in love with hers! how much is compliance? (generally) i remember when i was looking at an F50 / V35 i was going on the basis of "car cost + 10K / 12K" anyone want to assist?
  4. haahaaa marc very funny take the piss now that i hav a job with no nett and cant fight bak in my defence im not a fixie rider AND NEVER WANT TO BE im not a cafe strip dwelling shit head with no job who built a fixie with ebay parts. onliy toride it 3km a day toand from my studio apartment. the difference between me and a fixy doucher are... i kept mybrakes - they come handy i hav dropbar- flat is useless in wind. i wear a a HELMET. nota cid riding cap. i use my bike tocommute ~45km aday. the capo is not like other made fixys. it weighs far less than most bikes ive felt. commuting on perths bike paths ive only been been beaten by a red specialized carbon road racer... but he was gnarly speed.... inshort im not a fixy rider n mybike isnt a fixy... its atrackbike with brakes on it and ts insanely fast!! and i love it oh another difference is iknowa lot about bikes .. fixy fans seemto not know shit from clay in further news the alias still gets used a lot... im going trails/xc riding every saturday itsgiven me a whole new appreciation for it... im still learning but the others push me hard to hammer the downhill s ps jase for an mtb skinnyslick look at maxxis xennith.. they may look fat but contact patch is skinny so they do roll good... my only complaints are.. theres no side tread meaning no ?bite? wen u lean into corner so takes getting used to.. also thy very sticky like glue which giv gr8 traction but i qudstion their longevity ... but for how cheap they are just thrash for 3 or4 months and get a new set ps spelling ,miastakesr cos typing wit ps3 remote like a loser
  5. .....?
  6. jesus... loose ball then... haha sorry for sounds impatient but i cant get on sau during work hours which is the only time i can contact you... stupid new job... and their stupid.. ive had it up to HERE with their.... REWWWELLLS. all i wanna know is how much you bai for purple anodised machined-for-brake velocity deep V wheels =)
  7. =/ what's the difference? it's for singlespeed non fixed soooooooo i dunno whatever is the ... option i want i guess.. haha
  8. hey marc do you stock velocity wheels? i may buy a pair off you =) i want some brake-machined deep V's let me know a price =)
  9. or i could just do less skids...
  10. it just baffles me how fixgear riders get "air" without swallowing a few teeth... i mean, ride, ride, pedal, balance, pedal, focus, jump, air, continue pedaling, maintain speed, land, soft knees, keep pedaling, etc etc i couldn't do it.. in further news i wore holes into my back tyre in the course of the last week or so due to having to sudden stop in traffic... bit devo, went 700 x 23 kenda kaliente took my cannondale into the shop and all the staff were giving me props as if owning a singlespeed is some sort of talent... wierd... haha
  11. yeah man as "hip" as you might think it is to have no brakes and ride fixed it's GREAT on a track cos means you save the extra 700g for not having brakes.. but... when you're riding on road next time and a 4wd suddenly deicdes to make a left turn in your path you'll be glad you have the ability to stop and rescue your beloved teeth. i ride a single speed track bike on the road because i LIKE to go fast... but the entire "fixie" "culture" pisses me off chronically, riding caps, no brakes, tight tshirt, cards in spokes, constant stubble. it's all just homo shit that people are just jumping on cos it's the latest accessory to go with their iphone.
  12. haha my c-dale came without a bell - is that a paddlin on the bikeshop? i removed my bell from my other bike on account of nobody gives a shit anyway if there's a pedestrian in your way there's about a 99% chance they're listening to the kings of leon on their ipod anyway and can't hear it
  13. [action] MR EPS "sighs" at user: Xalmon [/action] the sarcasm is strong in this one.
  14. ayyyyyyyyyyyy hotstufffffff

    still haven't got my quote!!!!

    then again i haven't really checked the mail either...


  15. i will say that my new cannondale's frame doesn't feel as BULLETPROOF as my giant... that said it's a track frame for "road" intentions (but realistically it's just a trackbike with pretty colours) it's not built for being thrown at walls and dropped out of planes so i think being that it's only going to get speed and road treatment i think it's a good purchase fyi - i now have the capo - and it's FKING fast!!!! if there's no wind it's easy to get it up to about 55/60odd km/h if you're down on the drops - i can't remember a time i've travelled that fast without a downslope so while i won't say the frame is as tough as the giant i WILL say that the bike weighs 7kg. and goes like a rocket on rohypnol and that's what it's designed for =) and don't bother changing the cassette - it's a DH bike!!! unless you're using it for commuting distances... if that's the case then yeah go for it ... but i would also consider changing the ratio and getting another 8speed - that's what im doing with my dad's bike thanks for the advice marc!
  16. look like it'd be great for your knees!!! haha
  17. hey marc my friend wants a white chain, for his trek soho-S he's not sur ewaht size his frame is... does that matter? mail order it for me thanks
  18. haha yes actually - the same shop that i came back to them with an issue with a fork and they replaced my rincon with a cost price alias that was minus the price i paid ofr the rincon - i love them! =)
  19. shop is good =) would be the third bike i bought from them xox
  20. hahahaha now u have me second guessing!!! dammit - maybe i should wait and see what giant deliver for their 2010 range?
  21. azzuri make amazing bikes i hear - and at a price like that - it really comes down to "do you think your getting a good deal" cos it's not a good deal, ask anybody that doesn't ride a bike - they'd scoff at that price for something that's not a car! but at that price it doesn't matter what others think... only you! you won't get a bad bike with such a high price tag - there's no way you could be disappointed that you own that bike - just forget that you paid that much for something and you'll be fine!!!! oh and when people ask how much it cost - ie: mum / dad / grandma - LIE. that's what i would do
  22. see that is awesome if you own a bike shop - however i work fulltime work out for an hour 4 nights a week and dj 3 nights a week i haven't got the time to do that so while i do appreciate the advice, i can't justify the time taken in converting a bike - i'd rather "get on" something, the money wasted on a SS bike isn't a problem to me - i make enough money to waste on something as stupid as an SS bike... i more jsut want to know "is that a good deal" im pretty sure im paying mostly for the fact that the bike is "hand made in the USA" as opposed to china / taiwan ... cos you know... ANYTHING that comes from those countries is inferior (sarcasm)
  23. hey sorry to bump up to the top again - but question for marc - i went to the bike shop with my dad on the weekened - the bike i posted earlier - the cannondale capo is now 30% off, dude to end of fin year / model runout it's $1600 rrp %30 off brings it to about 1100... question im asking is - is it a good buy for that price? i've read a few online reviews and they all give the bike 5 stars but claim the componentry is cheap and nasty, however i also think they're being snobs and nitpicking... question is, marc... can u please check the specs on it and componentry for me - and (ignore the marketing bullcrap) straight shoot me, is it a good purchase at $1100? or is it just overly marketed rubbish... help? edit 42T x 17t? i thoguht it was a 48 =S my mate's trek soho-S is a 46 x 17T... giant bowery is 48 x 17T... will 42T mean my legs will need to go skitzo at high speeds? or am i being stupid..
  24. well, the guy rang giant and giant say that in august they're dropping their 2010 range, and they said in that range they're making a new series of single speed roadies, being that giant make wicked coloured bikes and the likes, chances are they'll get a few cool bikes in... so i might just hold off on bowery / mashup and see what giant drop in august... i personally thought the 55cm was a fine size for me! im about 6"3' also with long arms but it just felt like i could just "throw it around" while riding it, maybe cos of short wheel base?? but i thought it felt ok, and yeah i know you can get the coloured chains but just "in a shop" it looked awesome - the bowery mashup (flatbar) has a red chain... i love it.. haha, ps - a mate wants to know if that same company makes white chains? if u can get one i'll order it for him - last i checked they only about 20 or so dorra... a guy in another shop i was looking at was pressure selling me into a tektro lager... that was perhaps the worst bike i've ever seen. heavy as f*ck, and sh*t components.. yet still a hefty price tag!!!
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