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Mr Eps

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Everything posted by Mr Eps

  1. well you also have to factor in time allowance for the subsequent stroke i had because i had to think
  2. after reading this three times and having a stroke i dont get it what's that got to do with what i said
  3. what are their spin bikes??? our spin bikes aren't bikes at all they're more like some death enducing yellow framed thing with this heavy steel wheel on the front what are yours's's's like in gympie?
  4. well i would cos like you know more about it than i do om me and tell me what has to be done and also how long it'll take =) and jase - yes - i still go to the gym as well but group fitness is more intense i find plus gym is like GUYS GUYS GUYS but group fitness is literally a pile of hot chicks like seriously drool status chicks in tight track pants with arses that can crack walnuts seiorusly it's incredible
  5. no not yet haevn't even had half a chance to i have been so busy at work and son as i go to work i have to rush to the gym for my group fitness classes that's right i do 3 a week =)
  6. fff--ffff-ffff**k me, it's a l-lLLlLLeprechaun!
  7. so anyway the tyres on my giant rincon are a bit rough as guts - too wide and too "nobbly" which is really annoying considering i ride on pavement only at the moment they just fight me the entire way while i ride WURRuuuUURRrruuuURRRRuuuRRRR they say so yeah getting some decent skinny low profile road slicks today throw some deez on that bitch
  8. well ok seeing as i'm basically just giving you the shits so far... i might as well give you some personal advice judging by your car in the pic it's safe to say that it's low.. too low for anything useful i'm also assuming you have some sort of s13 suspension in the car, these give a softer springrate than standard a31 items i can also see that the wheel and tyre combo you're using is very wide tyres, under hard braking this can grind or rub on your suspension struts, or your guards when you turn perhaps a skinnier tyre with less track would be more suitable? also raising your car a bit would do wonders the best idea however is to take it to a professional for a full diagnosis
  9. i think someone wants to put his money where his mouth is shit marc if you are keen i'll even kick in for your flight imagine that a sign in your shop saying you did sydney to gong would be sick
  10. HOLY COW i have seen that in your sig a thousand times and only ever chuckled at it cos it says "GONG" in it and "GONG" is a funny word hmm... honestly this looks really cool i would give it a red hot go except i'm in perth that's like the equivalent of perth to bunbury though that'd be rad if it were safe n stuff like - not gonna get hit by cars / kangaroos / drop bears etc
  11. nah mate i did it last week piece of cake
  12. just ride it back down you pansy
  13. have you maybe tried taking your car to a tyre and brake mechanic and not taking matters into your own hand to save about 50 dorra on a diagnosis??? just an idea....
  14. yeah man i really like your front bar is that an autech type 2 item? ps i NEVER compliment people on their cefiros... so take this as a big thing hahaha
  15. ok here's what you do 1) take the brake pad out 2) take the pads to a shop like auto1 3) tell them to find the part in their books 4) buy that brake pad (this step is very important) 5) put the new brake pad in 6) put car back together
  16. now THAT looks cool pics of the bike itself would be great!!! sounds pornosex!
  17. umm.. k...
  18. yeah i also want new tyres the tyres on my giant rincon are a bit massochistic for the pavement commuting i do i need something thinner and smoother
  19. also memory lane on beaufort street my friend works there
  20. not so serious just partly serious haha but yeah funky i agree glass > plastic anyday, less maintenance.. and.. its.. GLASsSsssSSs!!!!
  21. it's plastic, not glass, and it's flat plastic too which means the light distribution will be ass anyway.. that's what the ripply platic is FOR ...REALISTICALLY you COULD just BUY some projector glass rimmed headlights, they get sold fairly cheap and hybrid-build some nonprojector / glass headlights and get the same result infact i would do that infact no i wouldn't i would just forget about it and be happy with what i have... haha or consider polishing the inside of the lens you have??
  22. i am so looking forward to selling my ceffy so i don't have to deal with crap like this... ...no offence to you guys hahaha
  23. why did you remove the enkei's? looks boro with those rims.. but at the same time it looks tough as like when you're in northbridge on a week night n u see some dirty whore walk past you wearing.. not much at all but even still... ...you sitll have a look..
  24. *makes the "swoosh" sound over my head* go to the cosmetic styling forum theres a paint thingy in there
  25. so i bought taht $350 w00t 24 speedddddsssss
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