ive brought a new tacho and its not auto meter but the old one is when i cut the old one and put gree2green black2black red2red on the new one i noticed the white wire in the dash and so does the auto meter gauge have white wire does any1 know where this white wire should go (all the wires on the new 1 are hooked up it has red, green,black,2 4 the shift light also do i turn the headlights on or just accessories (the auto meter i had hook up by an auto elec) done same gauges on diffrent cars but they all had white
thankx for the info was going to hook it up 4 strip use only and thats not 165.2 rwhp neither ists rwkw 221 rwhp any way i am going to spend my money eles where as for the clutch its a twin
what times would u expect from a r32 with 165.2 at wheels and i am gunna add a system of a good NOS kit and what nos kit would u use thinking of a wet system
dont care about the price of bang juice (cheeper than a v8) 4 the daily driver and have never used anything but senergy8000 a mobil fuel that can only b brought at top mobil servo's (WARNERS BAY) and thats 15 klms from home; BUT PEOPLE WILL use the fuel they think makes it go but (i would ask any 1 about the 8000' whats optimax 4000-6000ps always use the same number pump and same servo they way if u get the shit fuel ,u know who not to use but 1nce again ask about the mobil 8000 as it has been proven the best ( pump fuel)
genor80r what does pulse do for u or is this first reading u have ever had - dont get me wrong that is a top power figure even if it was , just wanna know more about pulse and where u been with your skyer , to be so proud-newcastle
:thumbsup:mobil senergy8000 fuel nothing but guys-tested and proven
any one wanna set a curz from newcastle 2 the entrance , plus where ever else you guy;s might fit the cruz (maybe in your area) may b we might wanna cruz all the way 2 sydney (MEETING EACH other up) I DONT KNOW BUT KEEN 2 cruz :boobs: :headshot:
genor8or if u have the bar, mould it ur self (so u know its perfect )then get it painted just a opinion and think you would b much happier =-=- bnr32 which dyno shop do u use ,,, and nice numbers there mate
same here in newcastle , u get that many idiots there no matter what day u go and u cant move (bummper 2 bummper )then get hit up the arse or something that was never worth the trip in u (begin) 2 think ^%$# this (its getting that bad here 2 ) f%&*the gov(sorry)