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Everything posted by some_cs_student

  1. I've been running the motul RBF 600 for street & track without an issue. Except its all street at the moment. Just remember to flush correctly when changing fluids, this is a DOT 4.x I believe EDIT: I'm not sure if your supposed to do this or not...the motul I bought is from a bike shop
  2. Back on topic...supplement wise I use glucosamine & chondroitin, to assist the joints. Fish oil (omega 3), a multi-vitamin and curcumin (herbal anti-inflammatory).
  3. I can see this thread has managed to cause quite a lot of discussion, most of it looks pointless. I've reported some posts to moderators as I'd like to end any discussion around Jack or anyone else from PTC. PTC is an old school strength and conditioning gym, those that are interested in that would be on the ProRaw forums, not SAU. Ghosty can represent himself if he wishes, although I'd prefer if this thread went back to something more interesting. Ghosty, you only get 30minutes to edit any posts you make on SAU.
  4. PTC is a gym / franchise of gyms. I wouldn't say that PTC as such believe isolation training is useless, where is that stated? The only person who can really speak on behalf of PTC is the owner, Markos. Ghosty is not the owner.
  5. Your only encouraging a pointless discussion. Let it die!
  6. Different exercises, for example with bench, I bench weekly. But with the assistance work I might do 90degree incline for a few sets, or maybe 90degree, 45degree and flat bench. Maybe a combination of both. Possibly max effort with any chosen weight, or maybe something a little different. Maybe dips, maybe tricep push downs Previously I had great success *just* doing squat/bench/deadlift with little assistance, I did plateau eventually.
  7. That's because the perfect workout doesn't exist I'm a strong believer in variation to your workout routines, specially to get past plateau's. But if your doing something that's working, why stop ? Unfortunately it gets harder as you get stronger...
  8. The program has quiet a few good compound exercies in there. I'm guessing with that weight gain your in your early 20's or very close to it ? Either way nice work!
  9. Interesting. What kind of workout are you doing for the 1 bodypart per day? And training how often? If your protein intake was too low the increase may add weight, and you may have increased your calorie levels which is critical for weight gain Good to hear is working.
  10. Rack pulls, stiff leg deadlifts, and everything else are perfectly valid reasons not to go to the ground. There's nothing wrong with shortening the range of motion, but then it usually becomes a different excercise or poor technique! The person I was replying to sounded like he was doing it as part of his technique on normal deadlifts. For the record, I do rack pulls, stiff leg deadlifts, AND normal deadlifts. I also bounce the bar off the chest outside competition EDIT: When deadlifting from blocks I'd still touch the ground, unless I was trying to emphasize a part of the lift. Anyway, my post was fairly specific to the person I was replying to
  11. Its the same as touching the chest on the benchpress, not stopping on the ground can make it easier because your missing a small portion of the lift. I would always recommend completing the full range of motion, unless there is a reason not to. Similary with military press, going all the way down is the hardest part of the lift, you won't get stronger without doing it.
  12. Not sure if you were been sarcastic, but deadlift's are obviously a pull exercise. And why not touch the ground between reps? That's the basic rule of a standard deadlift...
  13. Generally yes, but there's more than one way to do deadlift's, and small changes such as which way you look can make a difference. As long as your lower back stays flat during the lift it should be ok
  14. Good luck! You may wish to try the ausbb forums/nissansilvia's gym section. Or maybe prorawpowerlifting....but not sure if there is a for sale section there
  15. Looks a little like the "Big Red" jack that I bought a couple years ago. Also aluminium, dual pump, rated to 1500kg... They're good enough, I still need ramps to get under the car, and the only problem is the jack is not long enough to get to some parts of the car. It's a lot better than a normal jack, and that's a very good price!
  16. I run 255's on a 9.5 inch rim and that's a good fit. I wouldn't recommend that on an 8inch rim.
  17. +1 If your diagram is correct your in the right, the other driver failed to give way to a vehicle in the roundabout.
  18. Dani Boi, the post workout insulin spike is debatable like everything in this field. I wouldn't go as far as calling it "bro science", you can probably find evidence for and against. I've read a study that said chocolate milk was the best post-workout meal, because it contains milk, therefore protein & sugar Anyway, I don't use the post-workout insulin spike. The research seems to show a small amount of sugar is needed if anything...
  19. Vegetables/brown rice are complex carbs Make sure your *pre-workout* meal is as well organised, its debatable, but some consider it more important than your post-workout meal. After a heavy workout you will burn energy, so if your going to eat simple carbs, now is the best time Some will use dextrose post-workout as well.
  20. http://www.kettlebells.com.au/store/
  21. I recently found a (better) chiro if your looking for one. He's a long drive for me, but worth it. He's also a powerlifter so he knows exactly what to look for in terms of muscle development in the back et cetera
  22. The mods take a few days off and SAU Vic turns into the wasteland ?!
  23. Pre-lifting carb loading using sugars doesn't really make sense to me. You want carbs/proteins that will last through your workout
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