RB20DET Waterpump (Are there differences?)
Guys, having heating issues with the RB20DET.is there a difference between watrerpumps?
Recently changed the waterpump as it appeared to be leaking. Turned out to be a pinhole leak in the radiator. Anyway, the engine takes a while to warm up, doesn't seem to want to get above 1/4 when idling however when you take it out for a drive it goes up to 3/4. When you stop at the lights the temp gauge drop back down towards 1/4.
We've tried swapping radiators,fans and, thermostats. Still the same.
Is there a difference in waterpumps?( I'm aware there is one with a slotted top hole.) The only thing I can think of is there is some difference between the one we took off and the one we pout on. ie: If the one we put in has move fins on the impeller.
Any other ideas?