So after having this at Christmas,
I thought it was time to invest in a cargo barrier, but rather than getting someone else to do it for me (where would the fun be in that) I thought I'd have a crack myself. So off to my local tip/recovery yard where I found a second hand one that sort of fit and another one for some extra bends, mesh and the plastic grommets that the child seat straps go through. $10 each, can't go wrong!
Out of interest, I sent an email with photo to Milford asking them to identify what car it came from to which they replied, "We don't know, it's too old and we strongly recommend you don't use, modify or sell it". Challenge accepted.
So out with the grinder and MIG.
Once I had the shape I was after I spent a bit of time working out how I was going to mount the thing. At the same time, I was putting in the damper adjuster extensions for my MCAs and thought maybe I could tie it in to the mounts to make like a rear strut brace (to help stop the MCAs from coming through the floor ).
Final step was to get it powder coated in "hammer grey" for $40. Sixty bucks all up, happy days!