So recently iv just done the 100k on my GT.
6 iridium bkr5eIV - 11.
6 splitfires
High flow air panel.
New timing belt.
New pulleys.
Oil and all that shabazz.
(no need for oil details)
Anyway I still have 10 days to decide to take back the k&n panel and replace.
I have been thinking recently about building a cold air intake from the front right side bumper and using a heat Sheild under the AFM. Exchange the panel for pod.
My only reasoning is I had a lot of fun working on her doing the above listed and don't want to stop so want a decent project.
And B have heard of noise changes. I would be loving to hear if a whistle (ish) noise is possible.
I know a lot of people say a standard high flow panel is enough. But if I'd work on a heat shield and a intake pipe all the way from the front right. I couldn't see it taking in a different temp of air from the original air intake under the bonnet catch.
Anyway cheers guys.
Be keen to hear from you all and if you have any tutorials you know of to post please do so.