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Everything posted by 71LLA

  1. No, it is not a V spec although a previous owner put a v-spec sticker on it.
  2. It's been said before but truth be told she's the one who earns the money not me so if she goes I can't afford to run anything. Better to keep her and at least get use of a company provided XR6T or XR8.
  3. Beat the trade in offer and it's yours. $36,000 - no swaps.
  4. Still available. Will sell for $39,000. Genuine buyers only please, no more test pilots.
  5. I'm trying to get rid of one of the 4WD's, another is my competition vehicle and the newest one is my wife's company car which we can't offload until the lease is up. That is why the GTR has to go too, plus the GTR is kept in the garage so it is always blocked in by the 4WD's on the driveway and never gets a run - about 3500-4000km in the last 10 months.
  6. Three big fat slow four wheel drives:- 1999 Nissan Patrol GU, set up for touring 1990 Nissan Patrol GQ, set up for competition 1993 Ford Maverick (Nissan Patrol), standard and for sale If you think performance cars can suck money, try 4WD's!
  7. I'll wait as long as it takes for the right sale
  8. Not really interested in swap as I have too many cars, wife would not be happy with swapping one for another.
  9. For $170k I'll wait 4 months
  10. Not sure how to tell. The compliance was done in 2000, the model year stated for the vehicle is 1997. I can't see a reference date on the Nissan VIN plate under the bonnet.
  11. If you mean me then yes and it's still mine, or if you mean Steve "MR GTR", then yes it was. I suspect you mean the latter.
  12. 1997 R33 GTR Black 65,000km RB26DETT, 4WS, Dual Air Bags, Climate Control, Electrics etc. HID Lights 400R style front bar Nismo Intercooler HKS Air Pods Nismo 300km/h speedo Clarion CD Alarm Warranty until December 2005 (see Royal warranty at www.cargear.com.au) Qld Rego until June 2004, RWC GC Can email photos email: gtr71lla@yahoo.com.au phone: 0413 534 732 Beat the trade in price and it's yours $36000 firm, no swaps. Selling due to lack of use and nagging wife, and impending company car. Steve -
  13. Is it possible to dyno a GTR on a 2WD dyno? I have been told you can just pull a fuse to disable the ATTESSA system - is this perfectly safe or, more to the point, what damage might this do? Steve
  14. try diff lapping, i know a few 4x4 guys who have used them before and had very good results. i believe there is now a southside location as well as the original one in kedron(?)
  15. And what happens from then on? Where are you thinking of cruising to?
  16. A friend of mine got contact details from either the police or transport dept. after someone hit his parked car and drove off, but another person noted their rego and left it on the windscreen for him. Just ask the police/QT saying their rego. was noted when they damaged your car and sped off, they can only say no. Alternatively, give the rego to your insurance company and you should find out through them. Steve
  17. Has anyone done or know of a good track driving course? I've had the GT-R a while now but haven't pushed it to it's limit and not confident in doing so. Wuld consider the sprint day but would quite like to build up to it with some instruction. Cheers Steve
  18. If I'm not doing a 4WD night run then I might pop along. Did someone say that Roma Street has speed bumps to negotiate (may have been in another forum) - if so how bad?
  19. I believe that eating or drinking whlist driving is already an offence in the UK, it may only be a matter of time before Australia follows suit.
  20. AFAIK the use of 2 way radios whilst driving is not an offence in itself, whether they be handheld or fixed with mic. If your driving ability suffers greatly whilst using the handheld then I'm sure a policeman who observes this could do you for reckless driving or some such offence. I have seen the relevant regulations (in Victoria I think) posted in four wheel drive forums previously.
  21. 71LLA

    Photos of Your cars

    Here's my little black beauty:
  22. 71LLA

    Roll Call

    Southside, Black R33 GT-R. Steve
  23. As said earlier just fill in the form statng you weren't driving and give the details of the driver at the time. Authority will chase up payment. My brother did this to me when he borrowed my car once and they just mailed him in the UK. No points problems for me and they do not have the authority (AFAIK) to impose penalty points on foreign or international licences. There was no implication when he moved here and got a licence. Steve
  24. Is that a bought or built cold air box/partition?
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