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burn4005 last won the day on August 24 2021

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    R34 GTR

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  1. yep just a JIC vs ISO insulator height. old coils are for JIC, new coils are for ISO
  2. does anyone know the specs of the R35 master cylinder, rear ratio and knee point? the BM57 is a 0.4 rear ratio with a 435psi knee. I'm looking for someone with a much lower knee pressure. the piston area of the R35 brakes isnt that big so might not work for me but this is interesting.. the other option for me is a GU patrol master cylinder and booster and do the prop valve externally.
  3. 8370 Only makes sense to me at altitude where you need the extra PR on the compressor and gain it on The turbine. The 8374 turbine is restrictive enough at sea level.
  4. nice to see a tuner ramping in power instead of having the 5000rpm torque mound. would be a hoot to drive. For context, I have 490rwkw at 27psi on a 2.6 8374 and that was doing 126,000rpm on the turbo (maxed) so there would still be a bit left in the 8474 for sure.
  5. Confirmed. I work in LNG and when we are assessing mechanical designs from vendors for compressors we are supplied compressor maps (also radial/centrifugal due to pressure ratios required, but shaft powers of around 10MW) for a range of design inlet pressures and they are markedly different. unforunately i can't share them to illustrate my point. A restricted inlet effectively puts an upper limit on the mass flow to the engine. you can suck harder at lower pressures but this eventually crosses over into not being worth it as your velocity vs density isnt worth it any more and a turbo can't do anything an NA engine can do in that respect.
  6. are 8474s hens teeth or are they generally available?
  7. did you say your car was NA? and you want to spend 25k on a sequential? must be school holidays again.....
  8. interesting. at that boost (3.4 comp ratio) you're overspeeding it at 145krpm @ 75lb/min which that certainly would be. My EFR8374 makes 500rwkw on a 2.6 with the 1.05 rear and it is all in at 128krpm at 580g/s (77lb/min)
  9. I use Denso IK01-24/NGK R7434-8 as I have R35 coils RB26 coils use IQ01-24/NGK R7436-8 they are platinum iridium and make an excellent spark and last a long time as the ground strap is pure platinum can be had for reasonable money from rhdjapan. they're VERY expensive in australia.
  10. what were you expecting? the Turbo was pushing 85lb/min at about 60% compressor efficiency at that operating point and you made 720hp after drivetrain losses? 28psi isn't that much Emap though, I thought you'd be able to drive it harder even though it was pretending to be a heat gun by that point. what wastegate spring were you using and how were the pneumatics plumbed? but really, if you were after much more power than that you picked the wrong turbo. my test procedure for cars doing this is connect the boost line straight to the top port of the actuator, make sure my boost cut is set properly and go do gentle roll-ons down the highway (I mean on the dyno)
  11. other option is radium do an in-tank surge setup for the R34 tank. hides it all away and very neat. not a huge surge capacity but you can't use that much fuel around corners anyway.
  12. a 3.5" plumbed back exhaust with an 8474 on kill would have had sky high EMAP. screamers would add loads of power through VE improvement and pumping loss reduction. at that kind of compressor power you'd be at expansion ratios of 3.5:1 or more on the turbine, so every PSI of backpressure would be 3.5+psi in the manifold.
  13. We're you running a screamer or plumbed back? These turbos need to wastegate like 25-30% of the exhaust flow so it can make quite a big difference once you factor in expansion ratio -> emap -> VE
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