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  1. Hi there! I am not sure wich is heavier, atleast the R32 one would be abit of a heavy lump compared to the R33 P/S pump for example. I would say this one is a tad lighter or close to stock weight. The car I have is R32 GT-R. I have mounted it near the stock location, since this was a quick fix and another belt driven pump wasnt easy to get. I will relocate it and "hide" it later, I thought about the boot, but unsure about pressure loss. If not, maybe between radiator and intercooler in a corner? With the stock location I could use the stock piping bolt-on the pump, then it just need 12v. The steering rack itself adjust rack pressure so it get stiffer at higher speeds.
  2. Sorry for late reply. Not on this forum that often. I dont feel any difference at all under normal spirited street driving, but I have not tried it at the track yet.
  3. Hi, my stock belt driven P/S pump got a ripped hose under driving, the pump failed quickly as a result of that. So, since it was hard and expensive to get a new pump here in Norway, I found a electric P/S pump from Mercedes A-class, wich got a reservoir in it, and that makes it easy to place around. Only require + and - power the way i installed it, so Hook it up with a relay and a switch, or on IGN. I found that this works very well for my daily driving, but I havent tried on track yet.
  4. Hi there all, Thank you for taking time to reply on my thread. I have tried allot of things now back and forth and it seems that I have managed to get the backfiring gone when releasing throttle. There was a loose nut on one of the throttlebodies and it seems that it had screwed itself out abit, making it not sealing proper when throttle is shut. I did really hope that this also was causing the bad idle, but the idle is still the same, rough sometimes, sometimes its not. Today i replaced the AAC valve, and cleaned it really good before install. I also replaced the PCV valve, since it is so easy, I just had to try it. Then I also replaced the TPS, since i noticed on my commander that the black dot for "idle" didnt tick when releasing the throttle, after TPS replacement there is now a black dot on "idle". But yet, the idle is still rough. So I guess I have to try some more stuff tomorrow then, and I will update if things go better:) Best regards, Thomas
  5. Hi there! Recently my car just got a preoblem I cant figure out of. I am currently running Apexi PFC D-Jetro (MAP sensors). The issue is that when I drive normaly, on low RPM the car is hesitating and "jumpy", and when I release the throttle it will backfire all the time until I apply throttle again. While this happens I can see on my hand commander that the ignition timing is going up and down at the same time as the backfires occurs. Also the idle is rough, going up and down from about 900 rpm to about 1.3k rpm. However, I can park the car and go for shopping or even fuel my car, and when I start it and drive, it behaves perfect with no backfires or no hesitation. Also, about 70% of the time, if I rev the car and empty the gears to the revlimiter the issue will go away for a while, and then it comes back. I have tried to wiggle cables, checking hoseclamps, replaced sparkplugs, replaced the CAS. But this issue is really something I cant figure out. Anyone here with some tips on troubleshooting this issue? Edit: Here is two small videos that I made. taken only minutes after eachother, after some shopping. Bad idle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2MG9Pf_jeU Good idle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7mUYNZii0U Best regards, Thomas
  6. Thank you for all of the answers guys:) Im pretty sure im going for rebuild rather than replacement engine in this case. And yeah it must be a tough engine if it can run like this at the current state. I allways thought that blue smoke indicated turbo seals going, since blue smoke = burning oil? How come its white smoke when a turbo is blown? Sorry for stupid question, still learning here:) Best regards, Thomas Lund
  7. Hi, I have now taken a dry compression test. The results are: Cyl 1: 87 psi Cyl 2: 176 psi Cyl 3: 174 psi Cyl 4: 176 psi Cyl 5: 174 psi Cyl 6: 1,4 psi :) I forgot about taking a wet test, but I guess its not really needed since there is something going on inside that engine:) My question is, shouldnt the engine be running rough and barely have any power at this state with a dead cylinder? I also thought there would be smoke on idle aswell? There is none, only AFTER boost after releasing throttle past 4000 rpm. The power is poor, but it runs. Spark plugs had very white tips, so I ssume it has been running lean, and maybe a meltdown has occured. Here is a small video of my car idling, maybe you can hear something I cant hear, since im new to the rb26`s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTPVuKYFbmE&list=UU7qERZQmz7fSSwE-wHb1J3g
  8. Hi, thank you for the reply. I have checked the coolant fluid, and its very green. I checked the oil filler cap and the dipstick, and they seem fine, no white sludge/slime there. There is however allot of oil in the pipings, and seems like oil are pushin through the rocker cover and sliding down the block. I checked the gasket there, and I couldnt see any defects on it, seems fine to me. There is also coming white smoke from the rear, right behind the rear turbo. Very white smoke. Got the feeling that it somehow is overheating, but I cant tell for sure, its damn hot and thight to see down there while its running. Indeed I should go for better turbos straight away, but before I bought better/bigger turbos I wanted to know if the smoke issues went away. I will try to get a compression test asap. Thanks. - Thomas
  9. Hello there, Im hoping that someone here can give me some answers on my questions. I recently replaced both my turbos to 2nd hand stock ones because there was allot of blue smoke from the exhaust when I let of the throttle. So after the turbos now are replaced, there is much white smoke coming from the exhaust aswell when idling, also blue/white smoke when I drive. Anyone have a clue on whats going on here? The white smoke on idle was not there at all with the other turbos, then it was only blueish smoke when driving. Hope to someone can help me out some here! Best regards, Thomas
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