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Everything posted by triggerhappy
Sustanon you pin your self so you can inject when ever you like. Just means you have to load half into another syringe. No biggie and the path i chose. Endo is fine with it too. Actually said its better. They only come in 250mg shots though and for a dr to prescribe that every week you would have to have 0 test levels. 100% agree with the medical industry being lazy as and most dont have a good grasp on all areas. took me 2 endos to get the right one then he put me onto a good dr to monitor blood levels so it didnt cost me a fortune. I am very lucky in that sense. But with trt comes fertility as well which is not to be messed with so we keep a close eye on that and do what we have to do. Gets a bit graphic with more info haha
The one injection 3 months is reandron and actually keeps levels really stable. These have to be done by your endo. It does take about 6-8 months for it to work to its full potential. But this way you avoid needles every week. You can also get sustanon 250 which is done once every week or every 2 weeks. they come in pre loaded pins. Every weeks is preferable. Bloods show this. Both of these have slow release esters. The sustanon has slow and fast release esters which i think is optimal. Gel is shit 100% agreed on that. A good endo will give you a choice. Most choose the cream because of needles. But yes unfortunatly from personal experience. Its not the prettiest route but 10 times better than low test and hard to lose weight etc. Libido was never an issue strangely enough. But does pick it up a fair bit initially . As you said a switched on endo is the most important part of it all.
Are you saying that trt is inneffective? I can assure you that not the case and im 110% certain on that!
Not sure if it still works but thats what the old school guys use to do. And dont think she would appreciate pics hahah
Borrow a couple of the mrs birth control pills and go get blood tests from an endo and you may get legal test PS i didnt just type that hahaha. Mind you bloods (full hormone panel) might be worth looking at if you are not exaggerating lower than normal libido. Most of the time everything is fine but quality of life can really go up with a minor tweek. Have you taken OTC test boosters before? A mate took them for a while and lost pretty much all his libido and had to see an endo and did a HCG restart and was fine after that
Hahaha funny enough the girl i was talking about is exactly the same.
Could be but the ratios you have sound like they suit your lifestyle and a friend of mine has similar ratios as in higher test than estro and she is a ball of energy literally wakes up and its like she on speed. She lifts and competes as well. And A1 rig on her too.
I was talking about the families that are purely soy and the kids were growing breasts and menstruating at 6 years old or something. Mind you that was a lifetime of only soy not something the average person would consume. As far as im concerned i dont need any more estrogen. If only drinking normal milk was like being on the gas hahah
Did you read the study on soy related estrogen effects too? Scared the shit out of me and no more soy products haha On another note got the flu and bedridden since friday night. It has not been my month. Managed to keep weight on and food intake this round. Buttttttt looking like i might have to get a hemotoma cut out of my thigh as well. Trying to put that off..
Now it all makes sense! After all the meat and carbs i have had today i feel like the goodyear blimp!
one of my favourites. On the cookies and cream at the moment and not as good but tastes fine and it was free. I would have thought you would have gone something with more carbs being of the powerlifting style lifting.
I agree birds when not doing fasted work. I drink cordial at the gym used to be sugar free but it gave me reflux as did all sweetners that are not sugar. Trying to drink more water but to be honest i find it really hard to drink enough. The best thing in BCAA is the L-Luciene or how ever it is spelt and a lot of them dont have it or have bugger all. The amount of aminos in BCAA is really bugger all. Better of with a peptide
Best reason to use BCAAs. Diet is so much more important. The only time i use bcaa is drinking them before and during fasted cardio. Most here seem to be powerlifting style rather than BB style like myself haha
BCAA would have to be one of the most pointless expensive supps there is. A very good mate of mine owns a supp shop and he only drinks them for taste and said if he was paying full $ for them he wouldnt touch them. Much better supps out there like a quality protein and quality fast acting carb drink. On another note back in the gym and and strength is almost back up to 100%. Eating is still a bit of an issue and feeling sick after meals. pressing 50kg dumbells for 10 reps on the 5th set happy with that considering.
My cardio is a slow walk on the treadmill for 20min-30min with t3 hahah
Back eating a training. Put on a lot of fat from not training and eating shit but i think it was a bit of awakening that i needed a few weeks of the gym. Last 2 nights have been much more enjoyable in the gym. Pulled up pretty sore hahah But reasonably strong considering Thw only downside is im down around 94kg first thing in the morning and not lean looking at all. Hopefully rectify this over the next few weeks with small amounts of cardio chucked in
Yeah hopefully. I know a lot of it is in my head at the moment. Not going to jump on the scales at all i know that will be worse for me. Just want to get back to eating properly and some light training in the next few days
Everything has gone to shit my end. Body didnt feel good food or muscle wise so had a break for 10 days. Eating what ever and no training at all. First time in years i have done this Day before i was meant to start back got the worst food poisoning i have ever had. I literally feel like my face has been jumped on from the strain of throwing up. This was friday and still sore Seriously look and feel like i have never trained a day in my life. Might have to go to the dr still cant stomach propper food or meals or i just feel like im going to throw up again due to stomach shrinking i guess. Hope i bounce back soon. This last year has been some of the best progress i have made
Yes function.. Just for me but ultra low carbs you will function but only progression will be weight loss not muscle gain, maybe a small amount. Its about finding the balance. With ultra low carbs you do need refeed days or your body will get use to low carbs and will serve no benifit. I had to have 2 refeed days a week. But my training is pretty intense and i tend to train heavy even when cutting.
100grams of carbs from vegies? Must eat heaps of them. Dont know how you can function. Let alone have any energy. I dont respond well to huge amounts of carbs i sit at about 300 carbs a day and consider that low!! I diet on 150-200 carbs a day and thats killing me to the point i fall asleep at work. But when i diet i train 2-3 times a day depending on time. Fasted cardio in the am then weights after work then cardio. I try for cardio before bed but if im running out of time ill do it straight after weights. Carbs are really what grow muscle. Protien and fats can only do so much and with me its basically maintain what i have.
Where do you get your carbs from?
There is a lot of volume. I mix it with rice sometimes but i eat that meal with a little more protein about 8 times a day. My mrs says im like feeding a dog. Just put the same meal infront of me all day every day and just shovel it in. Have been trying to switch it up a bit as on the bulk and been having cous cous a bit with fruit in it
your mate is a big boy! Unless jay has dropped a huge amount of size. Actually got some arms on him regardless!! People really dont get how big these guys are in the flesh! Meeting big ramy not long ago pretty much made everyone look like they had aids or something
I thought about it but shit legs and calves would have me placing last. I sort of make a goal and say ill just maintain it. As soon as i make that goal its another. There is actually a good video on youtube about bigorexia. I still look at my self in the mirror and dont see my self as different to the average person. I dont go out often because of lifestyle but when i do i always get a few comments. I know im bigger than average. Just an addiction thing i guess. And maybe a few head issues hahaha. Doesnt help that pretty much all the guys i train with compete and are well over 100kg off season some up to 125kg. Most get down to 90/95kg when they compete. So im the small guy! certainly doesnt make things easier on the brain lol
Im 6ft and dont have a pic at the moment but im mid way (about 9 weeks in) through the bulk but got the dexa because i thought i was getting fat. So i have put on bugger all fat which i was surprised with as i have had a fair few cheat days. There is a photo in the gym and sup thread of me looking shit and flat on no carbs. was about 92-93kg and shit photo but was more 8% looking at me now and the most recent dexa. Eating lots of carbs makes a huge difference in how everyone looks One thing eating and punishing myself in the gym has done has ruined my stomach and not sure if eating or gym has done it but i found out im hypoglycemic when i got blood tests.