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Skyline 370GT P

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  1. The yanks inform me that their equivalent model uses the same size tyre front and rear
  2. Does anyone know why Nissan fitted different size tyres front to rear yet left the wheel size the same.
  3. Tomorrow I am going to get some 245 x45;s fitted, not sure what brand yet .I will let you know if it improves. Thanks for your input Steven
  4. Hi I fitted WHITELINE Front 27mm and R 24mm,a big difference in stability. The std one are hollow and the front weighed 3 kilos and the Whiteline replacement 6 kilos
  5. YOKOHAMA EARTH 1 225 x 18 x 50 on all corners. They are in as new condition, 34psi
  6. Thanks Nick Would you mind telling me what tyres you are using
  7. With the utmost respect Ben I am not sure if that is correct, if it were a manual car how would it take of in 2nd gear and with the Snow switch on it will easily chirp the tyres, in second Gear! Regards Steven ps I am not looking for an argument simple trying to understand what is happening
  8. Hi I have recently bought A 370GT P Coupe Auto. Driving up Henri Robert's Drive Tambourine Mountain in the rain ,steep and windy, the slip light is on most of the time regardless of how smooth or slowly I drive. Doesn't inspire confidence It is fitted with YOKOHAMA Earth 1 tyres in as new condition. Can anyone recommend a good wet weather tyre that they have actually used. I have asked this before but was unable to get a reply. What does the 370GT P have in the way of traction control and what does the SNOW switch do I bought a work shop manual ,DVD, and can't find any reference to TC or the SNOW facility Cheers Steven
  9. Ok What does it have in the way of traction control, snow setting aside
  10. Hi Perhaps a naïve question What is the SNOW switch function Cheers Steven
  11. Thank you, have ordered a set. Is the rear hollow as well
  12. Not a joke, would anyone know if the front sway bar is solid or hollow Cheers Steven
  13. Sorry,I didn't make myself clear. Where do I put the hydraulic jack without damaging anything
  14. Hi My new toy arrived today, Red, and I'm smiling First question. How do I raise it to put stands under the front. I'm going to fit a Whiteline 27mm sway bar Cheers Steven
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